FML - The Follow-Up

vxdragon23 tells us more.

op here. the first fee was a 12 d9llar maintenance fee after I had "closed the account" it was then followed up by multiple extended overdraft fees for 35 dollars each. there wasn't anything that was auto drafting from the account.

CinnamonBunny tells us more.

OP here. Just to clarify: - I found out about the texts a month or so ago when she sent one just as we were cuddling in bed. That was fun. - Husband had not responded to her texts the way she would like, but he hadn't exactly told her to **** off either. He just kept bleating on about how they were supposed to be friends. Ostensibly it's because they worked together (we all work for an IT company but they were in a different department) and he didn't want to cause trouble but I think it's more that he quite liked the attention. He is well and truly in the doghouse. - She is well aware of our marriage and had met me several times prior to sexting my husband.

meltingturtle tells us more.

OP here. Here's your follow up. My mom and her brother had a rocky relationship. She moved to the west coast some twenty years ago, and never talks about my uncle. I know of him, but never met him due to problems between them. I moved out of state for college, and met my girlfriend there. I'd only been told I had a cousin once, pretty much in passing. My gf and I were both talking, and she mentioned how her dad, named David, was bipolar and had several issues. I asked if she had any aunts or anything cause that sounded a hell of a lot like my estranged uncle my mom hardly talks about. She was all, 'yeah, but my dad never talks about her. Her name is Emily or something I think?' And I was like 'o shit that's my mom'. It was super awkward. I'd known my uncle had a daughter, and she knew her aunt had two. Thing is, I'm a trans boy who goes by a completely name, so we never really figured it out until now. Hope it makes more sense to y'all now.

CliffyB03 tells us more.

CliffyB03 28

I'm actually surprised this one got published. But it was 90 degrees out, and my hand smelt like boob sweat for a good half hour until I was able to go a scrub my hand clean.

holluphollup tells us more.

OP here. I'm here to explain this a little better. Ok so first off, I'm under 18 so therefore I can't leave. Second, my mother wants to do this because she wants to be a midwife, and Guatemala has cheap midwifery classes and programs. You might say she's doing this to help us financially, but my dads a doctor so that takes care of itself. Also, my mom has horrible back problems. At times she can barely move without hurting. If she's like this, then how will she be able to perform her job well? ( Surgery isn't an option because everyon we've tried has failed). I'm 17 and I've been in a small town where everybody knows everybody. I'm at the top of my class, and I have a real shot into getting into a prestigious university. I also have very deep connections with the people here. I don't want to throw this away. I don't mean to be rude and thwart my moms dreams, but it's just not what's best right now in my opinion. Hope this answered a lot of your questions. Also, thanks for all the support I really appreciate it. :)

Marmarfarfar tells us more.

I was so shocked and confused I kind of just froze and the person had already walked off before I could even process what happened! My sister was just laughing so hard the whole time. I did pay it forward though!

Hutchie931 tells us more.

Hi to continue after that fiasco the waiter was very apologetic and so was the owner and I got 15% of my bill and got recommended a Dry Cleaners that specialised in "accidental" stains so not all bad :)

taroschain tells us more.

Huh, didn't think this would make it. Neat. Thanks for the birthday wishes! To clear a few things up: 1. I started getting birthday wishes from ID checkers a week before my birthday and for a few days after, during which time I went on a couple beer runs for my roommate, bought a bottle of wine for a family dinner, had a weekly girls' night out with some coworkers and, yes, went barhopping with a friend on the day of. 2. I only got Facebook because my college required it and didn't bother filling in the information other than schooling. 3. I'm not one of those people who reminds everyone about their birthday five times a day for two weeks, and I track friends' birthdays on my iPod calendar. Also, I'm a bit of a workaholic and tend to forget events if they don't affect my work schedule (thus the calendar) and didn't actually realize my birthday was coming up until it was mentioned on one of said aforementioned beer runs. 4. Partly due to a lack of FB and other social networking, most of my friends are either from work or people I was really close to in high school and chose to keep in contact with via phone or e-mail (I'm an old person in a 25-year old body. I knit too!). Also guildmates, but I don't think that counts. Hope this helps!

Checkpoint96 tells us more.

Hi, OP here. Thank you all for your suggestions, I have not mentioned to her that her snoring keeps me awake, as I think that would be rude, especially as she can not do much about it. For all those telling me that I should tell her, or that it is fatal, she knows she has it, and she is also aware that it is fatal, as is my entire family. She is just one of those people who stubbornly refuses to get treated for anything, as 'it can't possibly be that bad'. My family and I have talked to her about getting a CPAP machine, but as I mentioned before, she stubbornly refuses to do anything about it.

BoboCracker tells us more.

Op here, thanks for the funny comments, I'm here to clear up a few things. No, the whole plane didn't go into my ear, the nose got stuck and broke off. I eventually pulled it out, but it still hurt like hell.

someonesometime tells us more.

someonesometime 10

OP here. First submission got posted :) there is no HR to talk to as there was only me, the owner and another coworker and we all got along just fine. I do have Resting Bitch Face but I'm aware of it and consciously smile to make up for it. I also did not have a bad attitude. The worst part was that I was still training so I haven't had time to meet the requirements of the job or not. Oh well, she was a flaky boss anyway. But she said she'd give me a good reference.

jettison17 tells us more.

OP here. I've spoken to management and they're working on an exterminator, as the whole complex was bought out 3 weeks ago. Hopefully it's sooner rather than later, or I will have to burn it down! In the meantime my cat and I have shown no mercy.

brerj09 tells us more.

Ok so I feel like I need to clarify a few things. I'm 21 and my husband is 27. We have been married less than a year. He has gone to the doctor about this before. His testosterone levels are within the normal range but just barely. He doesn't have ED. And it's not that I'm bad in bed... He has a very low sex drive. I have a normal sex drive. If he had his way we'd have sex like once a month. I'm not happy with that. Things were getting better but then he dropped this bomb on me last night. He isn't interesting in having sex and he's doesn't want to do anything to change that. And I'm abnormal because I want to have sex. We are going to be seeing a marriage counselor....

Jaraxxus_fml tells us more.

OP here! No, we talked about it before this, so she knew why. I'm not sure why she thinks this.

InsanityShard tells us more.

OP here, I had only had the two budgies for a month, I bought them with their wings clipped but I didn't think he could fly with two inches missing from his wings, especially since he and the other budgie hadn't been doing so well. They couldn't get any lift on any of their attempts, and could only fly about 5 feet or so, so I was fine letting them sit at my window. That;s all they had been doing in the past 2 weeks I'd been letting them out. I was just sitting here, and suddenly I hear my mum screaming- they had somehow flown over the gate and into the living room. Another thing to note is that they had made a lot of noise every other time they flew, but this time I didn't hear them fly at all... I was letting their wings grow out so exactly this couldn't happen. They hadn't been able to fly far enough to get over the gate before, having nothing to jump off and being unable to gain lift. I wanted them to be able to fly away from my mums dog if they got out. Sadly, they tried to fly out the glass door after going out my door and the one the dog got was the same colour as his fluffy toys... I do understand this is at least partially my fault, if not all my fault, I was right here and didn't hear them fly, let alone get over the gate that stops the dog coming in here. I was too focused on what I was doing on my computer at the time.

benjamin03_fml tells us more.

Op here! To clarify, I was a cross country practice which meets at the school. We run from there and end there at the weight room. I did end up getting soaked, mostly because we got stuck at a red light. Thanks for the comments!

StateOfEuphoria tells us more.

It's what I've always heard people call it, a sympathy gag reflex, but I'm sure there's a different name for it. its just where you gag at the sound of someone else gagging.

hellolaina tells us more.

OP here. This happened a few years ago. She's like 28 and has loose wires in her brain. I ended up quitting that job. Not because of her. I haven't seen her since.

lizim353 tells us more.

OP here. You're exactly right, it's like a humid and muggy kind of heat, even in Scotland... :')

kvb81295 tells us more.

Hey OP here, My ex an I didn't exactly end on good terms which is what was really awful. My ex had actually been seeing the girl for a little while before we broke up. She broke up with me because she had finally decided her new girlfriend was worth leaving me for. I had never met nor cared to who the girl she left me for was. I met my current girlfriend at a coffee shop a few weeks after. This was the first time I was meeting her best friend, and the first time my girlfriend was meeting her best friends girlfriend.

HolyyMolyy tells us more.

Except for a few sagacious and understanding people here, I'm surprised to see how benighted some folks are. Saying "I'm gonna assume you're dark because you're Indian" is like saying "I'm gonna assume you're fat because you're American." No we aren't all dark, some of us have extremely light skin tone and brown hair. Secondly, some of the airheads here can't seem to accept the fact that all women have body hair and a peach fuzz above your lips isn't a big deal. How would you have felt if we shamed you for having a hairy stomach or a hairy back and asked you to wax them regularly? If you can't accept us women as we are, don't expect us to accept you in your natural form as well.

The_Unlucky1 tells us more.

Hey guys! Op here! So, Yeah, haven't been able to find it. I'm sending in my cats to try and look for it, wish me luck!

ApplePie1994 tells us more.

OP, here. It was his stomach that didn't fit, you nasty. The dressing gown was pink, with butterflies embroidered on the breast. He looked absolutely fabulous, darlings.

DidNotExpectThat tells us more.

OP here. My wedding was 3 weeks ago. Thanks for your kind comments, but no my mom wasn't drunk (she never drinks). I had a long conversation with her and my dad. Turns out she couldn't keep it to herself any longer. I'm no longer mad at her since she told me the whole story. Both my parents always told me a lot about their deceased best friend whom I'm named after. I'm actually that friend's daughter and my family took me in when both my biological parents died in a car accident when I was 3 months old. In a way, I know my biological parents through the memories of my adoptive parents. I've never suspected a thing since I have two little brothers and I kind of look like my mom. Telling me and everyone I love at my wedding was a way for her to honor her dear friend and 'share' that special moment in my life with her.

ladams94 tells us more.

It wasn't a science degree... Just called a Bachelors of Science. I have food cooking experience as well as customer service experience but thanks for your input. Bye.

mbbcjuliet tells us more.

This is my post. I didn't have enough characters to fully explain. My sister is married to a verbally abusive guy who she has been trying to leave for a while but hasn't had the courage. They have 3 kids together. She met this guy on line and started talking to him as friends which developed into more. I don't agree with her cheating but that is a lesser point for me. I've tried to do some research on this guy and keep finding lies in what he is telling my sister. That is why I think he is catfishing her, not because of the picture. I have his number because she asked me to text him to say her phone had broken and she was getting a new one. He started flirting with me almost immediately, which is how I "accidentally" got a picture of him just out off the shower. I'm trying to help her move out on her own but I don't like her thinking this is a good guy. Thus my dilema.

AnotherLilyBart tells us more.

OP here. To clarify, I'm actually not an unhealthy or excessive weight but I'm trying to get back to a size where I feel better about myself. Also, I thought I had bought the leggings in my size but the packet was mislabeled. To the other points, I do wear underwear and when I wear leggings, I pair them with a skirt or tunic so that no one is forced to appreciate my bounteous behind.

Tryingmybest tells us more.

Hey! OP here. Thanks for your concern, everyone! ありがとう! So what happened was my school is an hour away from my host family's home, and I've only taken it a few times so far with my host sister. So I really panicked when I got on the train and forgot what number our stop was! And my wifi doesn't work here, so Google Translate was a no go. So I sort of just sat there quietly panicking for an hour. Luckily, I have taken a year of Japanese and was able to ask some basic questions, and the announcer said the name of my town at least five times before we arrived, so in the end all was okay! Also, Japan is awesome.

SkyrimGamerMoM tells us more.

No worries, end result is clear in my mind. This is number two I'm brewing here, have a one year old already. Just got to where I can enjoy games again though lol will have to take another long break once this little one gets here.

awkward_loser69 tells us more.

OP here, to answer some questions, the father and I are married, he was just working at the time and my mom is closer to me than my SO's work so we had already planned for her to take me if this were to happen since he works long shifts. She was definitely serious about taking a nap but thank god she didn't cuz I was in full blown labor and had a few complications. Long story short, in the end my daughter had to have her stomach pumped as soon as I delivered and she wasn't breathing due to her swallowing and choking on my amniotic fluid and her meconium. She was fine after all that happened other than a fever of 104.5. So if my mom had taken a nap I'm not sure what would have happened.