By Marmarfarfar - 01/08/2016 17:23 - Canada - Ottawa

Today, I walked up to my sister's car to give her some money I owed her. She refused to open the window and take back the money. After begging her to open the window, a passer-by mistook me for a beggar and gave me some loose change. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 502
You deserved it 1 356

Marmarfarfar tells us more.

I was so shocked and confused I kind of just froze and the person had already walked off before I could even process what happened! My sister was just laughing so hard the whole time. I did pay it forward though!

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"Please take this money from me!" "I will not take that money." "Excuse me ma'am, would you like some money?" Canada's weird.

LOL I laughed so hard. Did you accept the money?


LOL I laughed so hard. Did you accept the money?

Well screw it, keep the money that you owed her if she won't friggin take it!

These are the FML's that make up for the cheater ones. Thank you OP. Did you accept the change though?

I was so shocked and confused I kind of just froze and the person had already walked off before I could even process what happened! My sister was just laughing so hard the whole time. I did pay it forward though!

Well, at least someone was kind enough to give you some money if you needed it and your sister doesn't constantly nag you about how much you owe her! There are things way worse than that.

"There are things way worse than that" Clearly, but anyone with a story that is amusing or right out heartbreaking is allowed to share it even though there are worse things. Sort of the point of this site, or have I completely misunderstood the whole time?

I didn't mean for it to sound like he is being ungrateful and I found it funny too. Its not my fault there isn't many ways to express yourself through a screen. I have a right to say what I like, as long as it's not disrespectful, so clearly you don't understand freedom of speech.

tarlax 11

And #8 was using her freedom of speech in the same way to talk about your asinine comment, what's your point? "But, but, freedom of speech!" is the last defense of someone who has no actual point.

My point is, you can't call someone out on telling people what they can't publish, which I wasn't, and your doing the same thing. Reminding people that you can say what you want isn't a weak tactic. I agreed with what she said, but also told my side of the story. I'm finished here.

#30, if you actually think that's all freedom of speech means then you clearøy also don't understand it. though I agree that the other tit also doesn't understand it

"Please take this money from me!" "I will not take that money." "Excuse me ma'am, would you like some money?" Canada's weird.

They must have thought you looked the part. If you don't want the money, give it to your sister. Or better yet, keep standing there. I hear some of those folks pull in up to three hundred dollars a day. Based on a regular forty hour work week, that's $37.50 an hour, about $6,000 a month and way over $300,000 a year, all tax free. I feel stupid for working and not missing a day in 23 years.

Exactly how you go from 6 per month to over 300 per year? Your math is a not rusty ))

Also $300 a day would only be $6000 a month if we had 20 day months.

He said he's basing his calculations off a 40 hour work week, which would make each month have around 20 working days. So 6,000 a month is correct.

I would have used it as an excuse to give her the money back. "See, sis? People want me to pay you back so bad that they are even chipping in."

Okay… if she knows you owe her, why wouldn't she accept the payment?

lee47_fml 6

Isn't that sweet. Donate that money to a local Charity, the nearest actually homeless person and if you can afford it change of yours to add a bit to the amount. Kindness is always best