By madafgf - 17/08/2017 04:30

Today, I was at my bf's house (we are long distance, about 5 hours apart). I found an entire drawer of another woman's clothing and belongings. He told me that they were his ex's, but I don't believe him. I thought he was the love of my life and I'm realizing I'm just his side piece. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 714
You deserved it 555

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Even if it is the truth, there is no reason for him to keep them unless he has not moved on from her (and hope she will return one day). Either way, it is a major red flag and I sure hope you called him out on it before calling it the quits.

Maybe he enjoys cross-dressing and is too embarrassed to tell you.


You could be both. He might be staying in the marriage for social or financial reasons.

No one said anything about a husband/wife relationship.

Even if it is the truth, there is no reason for him to keep them unless he has not moved on from her (and hope she will return one day). Either way, it is a major red flag and I sure hope you called him out on it before calling it the quits.

Maybe he enjoys cross-dressing and is too embarrassed to tell you.

"Enjoys" might not necessarily be the exact word; some transvestites cross dress for pleasure, for others it's a release, or a way of working out issues. Good thought though.

A duh i could have said this would have happened ages ago, all long distance people cheat cos its easy

Not all. Only douchebags. I've been in a really hard LDR for 4 years and we are both truly committed to each other. OP should really talk to her partner about this in depth, it could be several things but it's likely the worst case scenario... Sorry OP

...and you will not be the last one. Other women will make the same experience.

Lobby_Bee 17

Hard times, had to take up a second job as a drag queen but he is just too embarrassed to admit it. Hence the ex-gf excuse.

It's 2017. if you're not the one cheating, then you're being cheated on.

SteelSoul5 9

Run like hell and never waste your life as a side piece. You're worth more than that!