By InsanityShard - 26/07/2016 03:26 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, my budgie learned to fly, having finally outgrown his clipped wings. He flew straight over the gate, out the door and into my dogs jaws. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 085
You deserved it 1 710

InsanityShard tells us more.

OP here, I had only had the two budgies for a month, I bought them with their wings clipped but I didn't think he could fly with two inches missing from his wings, especially since he and the other budgie hadn't been doing so well. They couldn't get any lift on any of their attempts, and could only fly about 5 feet or so, so I was fine letting them sit at my window. That;s all they had been doing in the past 2 weeks I'd been letting them out. I was just sitting here, and suddenly I hear my mum screaming- they had somehow flown over the gate and into the living room. Another thing to note is that they had made a lot of noise every other time they flew, but this time I didn't hear them fly at all... I was letting their wings grow out so exactly this couldn't happen. They hadn't been able to fly far enough to get over the gate before, having nothing to jump off and being unable to gain lift. I wanted them to be able to fly away from my mums dog if they got out. Sadly, they tried to fly out the glass door after going out my door and the one the dog got was the same colour as his fluffy toys... I do understand this is at least partially my fault, if not all my fault, I was right here and didn't hear them fly, let alone get over the gate that stops the dog coming in here. I was too focused on what I was doing on my computer at the time.

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If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it's yours forever. If it gets eaten by your dog, it was always just a snack waiting to happen.

This webpage is not all comedy and FMLs like mine do come up from time to time. I haven't seen this reply come up yet- please consider other possibilities too aside from neglect, like accidents and the fact that I am autistic and had gotten these as companion parrots. Accidents happen, you know. I have had many other pets before without a problem, including other parrots. And not all 'predator' animals will harm other pets. I have a very very intelligent cat that actually protects them, but he was outside at the time. And no, not protecting so he can get them himself, he honestly fully protects the birds to the point where last time I had budgies (Not trying to train them like this time) one nipped my mums hand when she took it out of the cage to clean the cage and flew off, and my cat went after it and brought it back like carrying a kitten. He didn't harm it at all, and it wasn't the first time he bought us stuff like that. We also didn't know how the dog would react to the birds. He left the other alone but went after the one coloured like his toy. That doesn't mean I have no knowledge at all about them, or am irresponsible.


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askullnamedbilly 33

As someone who's had small, vulnerable animals (rats) and a large predator (dog) in the same house before, I'm gonna have to say that's your fault. You ALWAYS have to make sure all the exits are barricaded and the larger animal is not in the room (or has any way of getting into the room) before you even consider letting the smaller animal roam free. I'm assuming you chose not to have your bird's wings clipped again, so why didn't you prepare for the possibility of it flying?

If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it's yours forever. If it gets eaten by your dog, it was always just a snack waiting to happen.

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You realise that it in no way harms the bird right? All that is done is that some of the main flight feathers are trimmed and they grow back as OP just experienced. There's nothing cruel about it at all.

Then why don't you explain? Insulting vs reasonable explaining, wonder which would be more helpful..

Parrots need their wings to be able to fly away from things like my dog, but there are many other drawbacks to clipping. One major one is that the birds use up a lot of energy flying, and without flying they get too much stuff from their food and can get overweight very easily. They can't get the same stimulation from just climbing and playing on toys, either, and can end up depressed. One other thing is simple: the high risk of ending up with screaming parrots. If they need something, they often can't get to it without help, so a lot of them take to screaming while out for you to help them.

Thank you for explaining, it makes a lot more sense now. I'm also very sorry for your loss.

It's all right, thanks for understanding why I didn't clip their wings. Also they take about 4 months to grow back in... Not one. =/

Darwin's Law applies to everything in my opinion.

That's a doggone shame that your puppy has budgie in his belly.

Dog: "... But where's the squeaker?! I know I kept hearing it!" Bird: *gurgles* Dog: "Oh..."

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OP here, I had only had the two budgies for a month, I bought them with their wings clipped but I didn't think he could fly with two inches missing from his wings, especially since he and the other budgie hadn't been doing so well. They couldn't get any lift on any of their attempts, and could only fly about 5 feet or so, so I was fine letting them sit at my window. That;s all they had been doing in the past 2 weeks I'd been letting them out. I was just sitting here, and suddenly I hear my mum screaming- they had somehow flown over the gate and into the living room. Another thing to note is that they had made a lot of noise every other time they flew, but this time I didn't hear them fly at all... I was letting their wings grow out so exactly this couldn't happen. They hadn't been able to fly far enough to get over the gate before, having nothing to jump off and being unable to gain lift. I wanted them to be able to fly away from my mums dog if they got out. Sadly, they tried to fly out the glass door after going out my door and the one the dog got was the same colour as his fluffy toys... I do understand this is at least partially my fault, if not all my fault, I was right here and didn't hear them fly, let alone get over the gate that stops the dog coming in here. I was too focused on what I was doing on my computer at the time.

This webpage is not all comedy and FMLs like mine do come up from time to time. I haven't seen this reply come up yet- please consider other possibilities too aside from neglect, like accidents and the fact that I am autistic and had gotten these as companion parrots. Accidents happen, you know. I have had many other pets before without a problem, including other parrots. And not all 'predator' animals will harm other pets. I have a very very intelligent cat that actually protects them, but he was outside at the time. And no, not protecting so he can get them himself, he honestly fully protects the birds to the point where last time I had budgies (Not trying to train them like this time) one nipped my mums hand when she took it out of the cage to clean the cage and flew off, and my cat went after it and brought it back like carrying a kitten. He didn't harm it at all, and it wasn't the first time he bought us stuff like that. We also didn't know how the dog would react to the birds. He left the other alone but went after the one coloured like his toy. That doesn't mean I have no knowledge at all about them, or am irresponsible.

Sorry if I seem like a jerk buddy, I just get defensive about animals. I'm sorry for your loss. I would be heartbroken if one of my budgies were killed.

My deepest condolences. I understand how accidents happen. I have two therapy cats, and one day after I made a meal in the stove, one of my cats stepped on the burner while I was keeping the kitten away from it. It was mostly cool and she had no burn but I still chased her with an ice pack for an hour because I felt horrible. Try not to be too hard on yourself!

#13 I'm glad you apologized, it is very nice you have such a passion for people to be responsible with animals. I am also glad you understand our fellow human-animal is also capable of mistakes as well.

I'm sorry, but you really should have been paying attention. And a gate?! To stop birds you knew might learn to fly eventually??? Really dumb, OP.

It's fine, I love my pets too. That's why I have so many, and had the sense to get rid of my turtle since my idiot brother kept training him to bite... Now I have lots of fish, 3 budgies, 2 cats and a dog. Planning on turning my whole room into a mini aviary. When I do, I'll have 4 budgies, 2 princess parrots, 3 or 4 red rumped parrots to go with everything else.

These kinds of things are freak accidents, it has nothing to do with irresponsibility

#22... Read OPs follow up! The gate was to stop the DOG from getting IN..... Not the BIRDS from getting OUT.....

You scared me!! I've heard stories of people accidentally cooking their cats, or turning on the dryer while the cat was in there! I'm so glad your car is okay.

The gate is to stop the dog and other pets, not the birds. The birds were not even able to get up to it anyway, being unable to get any lift when flying- or so I thought, since they had tried and failed before.