By hellolaina - 22/07/2016 07:43 - United States - Blacklick

Today, my batshit crazy coworker told me that she wants to hear my skin sizzle. I'm afraid to go to work now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 239
You deserved it 1 562

hellolaina tells us more.

OP here. This happened a few years ago. She's like 28 and has loose wires in her brain. I ended up quitting that job. Not because of her. I haven't seen her since.

Top comments

Seared human is the best. I'll bet you pair well with a glass of red wine too.

It's because you're so hot, OP. You're already sizzling. She just wants to *hear* it.


It's because you're so hot, OP. You're already sizzling. She just wants to *hear* it.

Seared human is the best. I'll bet you pair well with a glass of red wine too.

TheLostCauseFML 40

Have you been taking notes from Hannibal Lector? "I once ate ones liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti." or however it goes. lol. Or did he take notes from you? lol

Her surname's not Lecter by any chance?

Uncle Hannibal, can we have a co-worker of mine for dinner tonight?

Uhh... You might want to report that to your boss or something

Go to work and don't worry about it, but do remember the Boy Scout Motto: Be Prepared.

Time to start carrying pepper spray to work OP

best way to beat a creeper is become a bigger one towards them. I had a nasty manager that kept leering at me until i started making horribly ugly faces at him then he got disgusted lmao

HR time and time to start watching your back.

Hopefully you don't work where there are fryers.

heatherrr17 19

What does that even mean?!!