By acab93 - 10/02/2011 22:37 - United States

Today, I learned that ham is part of a pig, and not a completely different animal. I'm eighteen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 162
You deserved it 64 626

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So you thought a ham was an animal? What did you think it looked like? What sound did you think it made?

Actually, ham is a fruit. Haven't you ever driven past a ham farm and seen the inbred Republicans plucking the ripe, juicy, pink hams from the tallest trees? I can take you to one, it's such an inspiring sight. Afterward, we can go snipe hunting, I know a GREAT spot.


Nuuuuuuuuuuuh uhhhhhhhhh, dolphins are the second most intelligent life form on Earth, second only to mice.

At least I know how to use the 'Shift' key.

thatsparksguy 0

ScaryyMary, are you saying that mice are smarter than humans?

If the FML community is a fair representation of humanity's intelligence as a whole, then I'd say we're somewhere around the 10th percentile.

SirEBC 7

Midnight, that's being too generous.

Humans are the smartest only because they can build weapons the are able to kill the other animals and that is it.

61 that's not how you measure intelligence lol.

65, That is how you measure intelligence because we are the obvious outcome of survival of the fittest and are dominant on this planet; therefore, we are the most intelligent.

dolphins are the only other mammal that have sexual intercores for pleasure.

haha was that a reference to hitchhiker's guide? :D

Yes, but humans are the only ones who can spell "intercourse". Well, some humans...

Macromartyr 3

What animal does tooth paste come from?

collegegirl87 0

91, Actually bonobo monkeys do too

rickydebacle 0

I like how nobody got ScarrMary's reference

Ricky, not everyone has read whatever the hell ScaryMary is referring to. I know I haven't. Don't panic!

someindiandude 6

Actually, Bonobos fall under apes, and I learnt a new thing about them assuming you are right.

I like how no one can spell my name. Who the hell are these ScarrMary and ScaryMary people?

Kelita 0

#5 ur an ass for putting that as ur profile pic. U think that's funny but it's not. That person is prob going through alot and there u go thinking it's funny. Ur ridiculous.

iluvu2death 0

126 I was going to say that .. y do u have that picture u heartless guy.

Ah, don't worry Mary, no one ever gets my name right either :( It's always Dortje, Doorje, Dorje, or, this was the worst, I'll remember it for the rest of my life: Doogri.

If dolphins were so smart they would stop getting caught in tuna nets and my tuna sandwiches would not taste as good they do.....yummmmy dolphin and mayo on white bread!!!

MrBond007_fml 6

sorry doortje, I said doortji last time by the way, you still want to see a pic of doc right? ( the funniest thing just happened, I just hit "I" instead of "o" for doc on my I pod, that would have been awkward, bullet dodged!!)

I doubt he's ever going to show one, now matter how many times you bring up the subject ;)

#126- You're an ass for putting THAT as your profile picture. that girl is probably going through a lot. it's not funny.

Kelita 0

182 can't b worse than ur least ppl can tell Wut sex I am. Wit that bein said....male or female?

Humans and Dolphins are the only two creatures alive (that we know of) who enjoy sex. So, us two are obviousky the best.

What about humans?? We're are animals

FMLandurstoo 9

WAIT HAM ISN'T AN ANIMAL!?!??! Then how do u explain the flying roasted pig legs with giant devil horns that go MOOINK MOOINK in my back yard every night????

robotnhi 0

You were right OP. Ham is from hamsters and pork are from pigs. Dont let those humans fool you.

So you thought a ham was an animal? What did you think it looked like? What sound did you think it made?

Duh!!! Haven't you ever heard of the wild and rare 'ham-bone'? What a beautiful creature...

sandythongs 1

it could be harvested from manbearpig im super dooper serial

Lol southpark ex vice prez algore or however you spell his name XD

NikkiRainbow63 31

Or OP could be a total sicko and think it came from hamsters... and now that I said that, holy shit those would have to be huge hamsters... xD

247: His name is Al Gore. First name Al. Last name Gore.

Scottz 0


ryanst 7

..I think I just lost brain cells from reading this.

whhaaa? hfbg jhuhr hukctvvhkbg hhhhhhggh

thisgirl2u 9

wht th fck r y tryng t sy ??? Seriously, doesn't it take more effort to remove the vowels? Because it took far more effort for me to try to read your sentence, I truly do not understand this new epidemic.

.....and your calling OP the dumbass? hah. wooooww.

Ninjasaurus18 9

... I am sorry, but your dumbass answer is not valid. Go to kindergarten, and come back later.

What? Could you please repeat that? The only language I speak is English

I didn't even attempt to read this, and I'm normally pretty tolerant of bad grammar/spelling....

vip3r20 8

are you in ms rods class? lmao just wondering

Actually, ham is a fruit. Haven't you ever driven past a ham farm and seen the inbred Republicans plucking the ripe, juicy, pink hams from the tallest trees? I can take you to one, it's such an inspiring sight. Afterward, we can go snipe hunting, I know a GREAT spot.

midnightsun123 2

are you stupid? of course, probably voted for Nader

This comment just made my day, Democrat4lyfe :D

Aww you thought it was part of a unicorn :) p.s. How do you think we get cheese? :D

idklalaalala 0

it grows on a bush...durrrrrrr

WHAT?! how come no one told me! sneakysnake you cheeky soul..

Yeah, but #16 thinks that you get cheese from pigs

Spenerish 0

Don't mess with Texas! Remember the Alamo!

kprando25 8

iiCaptain, you sir are a bastard. I am a Texan and I scored top of my class on the standardized tests in fifth grade. I bet that's more than you can say.