Wakey wakey

By gumbymn - 17/03/2021 00:30

Today, I asked Alexa to turn on my baby's white noise machine. Instead, she started playing Pharrell Williams's "Happy" while the baby was asleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 742
You deserved it 383

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least it wasn’t Whitesnake, Great White or White Zombie.

From one veteran mom to a new mom. Get the child used to noise.


At least it wasn’t Whitesnake, Great White or White Zombie.

Or Average White Band or White Stripes or Vanilla Ice?

bound101 7

The great white snake zombie...

If you want a "white noise machine," just ask for "FOX News."

From one veteran mom to a new mom. Get the child used to noise.

Especially diverse noise. Don't be racist!

bound101 7

if only there was a heart button, I would use it for this comment...and RichardPencil, this made me laugh

ojoRojo 27

I feel this in my soul. One time I was playing lullabies on Apple Music and the playlist ended so it played random “related” music after, and Mickey Mouse started talking loudly while by baby was asleep. I was not pleased haha