By Face - 09/01/2010 10:12 - Australia

Today, I got hit in the face with a piece of bacon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 349
You deserved it 34 742

Same thing different taste

Top comments

showtimen0w 0

This is a good thing, not an FML. Everyone loves bacon.


showtimen0w 0

This is a good thing, not an FML. Everyone loves bacon.

FMLs like this are the reason people don't read them much anymore!

maybe bacon is a euphemism for spunk, you never know...

doomking10 0

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#5, Obviously you DO care if they are first or not.

blland 0

note to self: bacon acts as boomerangs

write back when you have a REAL female. who let this one through people?

Was it hot when it hit you in the face? And all should be well after you eat it. Unless you are a vegetarian, then FYL indeed.

I agree, if it was just out of the frying pan bacon fly, but if it was cold or uncooked bacon, who cares?

fmlanomaly 0

basically. I'm a vegetarian n got smacked in the face with bacon b4. could of been a slice of ham. Careful of family members with meat in their hand- do not get them angry.

"family members with meat in their hands"...hmm..

Shizzlator 3

That's not an FML... That's a WTF

caligal14 0

Wtf times 10. I'd be pissed because I'm a vegetarian, but the OP did not specify anything that sort in the past so I think this is just stupid