Ham-fisted attempt

By HamHanded - 10/03/2017 09:17

Today, my loving but absent-minded father gave me a packet of ham for my birthday, which would be pretty shit even if I hadn't been a strict vegetarian for the last 27 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 656
You deserved it 712

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hate to bring up a possibly sensitive subject, but that sounds less like "absent minded" and more like the onset of a memory disorder of some kind. Stuff like this is how Alzheimer's disease and dementia starts- issues accessing memories or information they should know. You might want to either talk him into getting evaluated or whoever he lives with into getting him evaluated. The earlier they're caught, the more effective treatment is. I hope that he doesn't have something like that going on and is just a bad gift giver, but felt it needed said.


Trade the ham for a fine cut half pound emerald gem?

The trade might be a bit one sided, but that's all I got to offer

I hate to bring up a possibly sensitive subject, but that sounds less like "absent minded" and more like the onset of a memory disorder of some kind. Stuff like this is how Alzheimer's disease and dementia starts- issues accessing memories or information they should know. You might want to either talk him into getting evaluated or whoever he lives with into getting him evaluated. The earlier they're caught, the more effective treatment is. I hope that he doesn't have something like that going on and is just a bad gift giver, but felt it needed said.

CaptainShalliwaffle 3

OP here! Nope, his memory is fantastic, he's a university professor, he's just rubbish at personal stuff! My maternal grandfather has dementia, but my dad has been this way since I was born.

Cut it open and hide it somewhere ******-up in his room, like inside his mattress.

I read this as days for some reason but 27 years is so much worse.

Argotdroom 21

did you waste it you ungreatful pos?