By pigglepigglepiggle - 24/11/2009 02:30 - United States

Today, I agreed to buy my girlfriend a piggle for Christmas. The pig is miniature. The noise it makes is not. Oh, and I just found out it's not living with her, but with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 522
You deserved it 29 599

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have also agreed that it was staying with her. If she wants the damn thing, she has to take care of it. I say give it away/sell it. Your gal sounds like she was one of those kids who got a puppy for her birthday but got bored of it after a day and dropped it off at the pound.

hornetchik 0

People like that make me angry.


I kinda think you should have been clear on the details before buying it... that sucks. Last.

Prawn_fml 2

I don't see how he could have not assumed it would be living with her. Her pet. Get her to take it, and if she won't, ask why she wanted it in the first place. And sell the pig and dump her.

Still, if he had even once said "ok, after we get the pig then what?" this wouldn't have happened...

liveBabylon 0

Yeah agreed... +Pussy whipped much?

suaveneanderthal 0

when life gives you piggles, make bacon.

Actually, miniature farm animals like piggles and potbelly pigs are absolute shit on meat. They may look big, but once you get them butchered and hang the carcass, there's basically nothing left to work with. It's pretty much all water weight. They serve best as pets.

You should have also agreed that it was staying with her. If she wants the damn thing, she has to take care of it. I say give it away/sell it. Your gal sounds like she was one of those kids who got a puppy for her birthday but got bored of it after a day and dropped it off at the pound.

hornetchik 0

People like that make me angry.

Do your research before you get an animal. Unless you've been aware that it's loud as sin from the start and don't have the balls to say 'no' to your girlfriend about having the noisy animal. Seems YDI either way.

More like a "You should have done your research before you picked this particular girlfriend"

Attention dumbass, swine flu has nothing to do with pigs that's just what they called it but they changed the name to h1n1 after Egypt got confused and decided to kill 300,000 pigs to avoid it.

lmaoatyourlife 0

FYL because you was just trying to be a good boyfriend!

ihatestupidppl 0

YDI for buying a piggle. I kid. Seriously though, as creepy as I think those things are (miniature farm animals? I'll pass), if your girlfriend wants a pet, she should be the one taking care of it. Tell her to take her piggle to her place. And if she whines about it, sell it. YOU paid for it and apparently YOU'RE taking care of it, so it's technically your pet and you can do what you want with it. Maybe that will teach her some responsibility.

Dude, I'd LOVE a miniature sheep! XD Miniature Farm animals FTW! (granted you can actually house and take care of them)

@#12 A piggle is a minitaure pig. Breed for the purpose of a household pet. Stupid sin't it?

I want a sheeple, horsle, zebrle, elephantle ... ect .. =(

If you want sheeple, you'll find plenty at your local Apple store