Niles Crane wannabe

By that’s crazy - 12/02/2023 17:00 - United States

Today, I felt comfortable enough to invite the guy I’ve been seeing over to my apartment for the first time. Things immediately got weird when he started to inspect my place top to bottom to make sure it was “clean to his standards”. I told him to leave when he started going in my closet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 120
You deserved it 108

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Good thing you stopped him at that point! If your closet passed inspection, he'd probably break out him speculum and want to look up your hoo-hah.

I’d break up with him, and you shouldn’t have to spell out why.


Good thing you stopped him at that point! If your closet passed inspection, he'd probably break out him speculum and want to look up your hoo-hah.

I’d break up with him, and you shouldn’t have to spell out why.