By Anonymous - 06/06/2009 17:38 - United States

Today, my boyfriend went to the aquarium. We were noticing the fishy smell, and I had made a comment about it. Then my boyfriend slowly, and seductively whispers into my ear, "It sort of reminds me of how you smell." FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 257
You deserved it 13 757

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, clearly he brought you there to show you the importance of personal hygiene.


*just realized jandersoniii was joking the whole time* FOL(FourL)

heh, i love that smell too. XD KIDDING. seriously, get some vagiclean in there.

177, yes, I just realized this too. This was hilarious. A fantastic relief of boredom and an awesome thread. @OP: I hear wire brushes work well for cleaning down their for both genders. But if you have to use a sawzall, take the blade off first, it WILL cut rubber if you don't.

icallshenanigans_fml 0

jandersonii: seriously all sex is rape? Thats by far the craziest thing I've ever heard! If all sex is man raping woman how do i have a higher sex drive than my boyfriend! The more the better! And I love every second of it! Not to mention the 'birthing'... First... all women's bodies were designed to have babies, men... not so much, let alone the amazing connection it allows between the mother and the baby. I have a baby and labor... ITS NOT THAT BAD. Have a kid and you'll understand how amazing and remarkable it is. Shut up and have some fun ******* sex. Don't get all feminist because you're fat and cant get a fulfilling relationship.

karma_89812 0

lol @ 176. nice to see some people have a sense of humor still without getting offended :) though i agree its like jerry springer text edition

@ jandersoniii 1. You are an idiot 2. A man can be raped by a woman

HeartlessxBitch 0

Geezzee people here can be really uptight. Sometimes even clean vaginas have a scent...its called BEING HUMAN. Acting like these things don't affect you wont make it any less true when the next person licks your vag. Just sayyyin.