By Anonymous - 06/06/2009 17:38 - United States

Today, my boyfriend went to the aquarium. We were noticing the fishy smell, and I had made a comment about it. Then my boyfriend slowly, and seductively whispers into my ear, "It sort of reminds me of how you smell." FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 257
You deserved it 13 757

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, clearly he brought you there to show you the importance of personal hygiene.


hey #23 did you know that 73.9% of all statistics are made up? how do we know you aren't making that one up too?

Ummm...I don't think it's supposed to smell like fish. You're nasty.

You may wanna clean down there... But he was most likely just joking

HeartlessxBitch 0

according to statistics, statistics are bullshit 95% of the time... XDDDD btw. all the guys complaining that a ****** that smells ANYTHING other than rosie means it's unclean, has never been with a woman. XP

Dante167 0

LMAO omg you guys are HILARIOUS how youre makin fun of Jandersoniii, but honestly that girl needs to calm the f*ck down. But on a Serious note to the OP: You should him a favor and try to freshen up down there, I mean honestly would you want to go down on your boyfriend if he hadn't washed down there in a while and it smelled like sh*t and wasnt clean?

**** your life because your boyfriend doesn't mind what you smell like down there? Please, get over yourself.

Well I've heard guys constantly making jokes about how girls are supposed to smell like fish. That's stupid, 'cause unless you really have something bad going on there, you shouldn't have an awful smell. But maybe he didn't mean it and just stuck to the cliche.

@#23 - 10 million each second? By those figures, every woman on the planet would be beaten every 3 days (unless some men are really busy...)! Don't make up BS statistics to feel good about yourself on an FML comment fail.

I give him credit for saying that seductively with a straight face lol