By Anonymous - 01/01/2014 05:38 - United States - Albany

Today, my 11 month-old son started viciously biting whatever part of my anatomy he can sink his teeth into. He thinks it is hysterical to latch on while I scream helplessly in pain for him to let go. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 752
You deserved it 6 435

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Spanking is discipline. I was spanked when I was little and I love and respect my parents. It's to help them learn right from wrong not hurt them


he's 11 months old, what did you expect! I think that you are possibly encouraging his behavior at some level...might i suggest getting him something else to chew on...he's probably teething!

What could she possibly be doing to encourage it?

61, "He thinks it is hysterical to latch on while I scream helplessly in pain for him to let go" implies that he's liking the results he gets -- thus, he's getting encouragement. #25 has good suggestions.

kellyem2 20

Might be worth doing some research on how to discipline a kid that age. If they know it's wrong they are definitely old enough to get punished in some way.

aedan12 15

For a minute, I thought it said your 11 YEAR old son was biting you. o.o

it's hard, but try not to scream or react other than a firm no. Babies think screaming is funny and will repeat things they find funny.

To everyone saying bite the baby back. A baby is not a ******* puppy. Can you actually stop and think about how absurd and quite frankly WRONG it would be to bite a baby who does not understand why they are being hurt or what they've done wrong? The baby is only laughing at the reaction he's getting from the parent, he has no idea it's hurting them. Most 11 month olds can't even walk and talk yet, let alone understand that they are capable of inflicting pain. I really hope OP doesn't take this ridiculous advice and bite the baby back because I'd hope that the paediatrician who treats your child sees the bite marks and alerts the appropriate authorities.

The baby will however understand that when he does it, and gets hurt from doing it they will stop. You have to tech them somehow that biting is wrong, and what better way than to show them how it feels? I'm not saying do it hard, just enough to show them it hurts.

an 11 month old has developed object permanence and can understand cause and effect if you dont want to bite the child spank them or pinch their toe not hard but enough for them to realise its uncomfortable if you dont discipline your children when they hurt other people you are just begging for trouble when they start school by 11 months my son understood that if he bit me he would be spanked after a week of bitting and being spanked the problem stoppef

kakakarotcake 17

I have a 10 month cousin and when I pretend hit my uncle in front of him and my uncle grunts my cousin screams because he knows that means pain so yes they do understand in a way

Dumb. Dumb dumb dumb. Try again in a few years after you had a child and done any significant research into early childhood development. And by the way, please do not bite a dog. Totally different connotation for animals than humans and it will not end well.

I guess I should add that you shouldn't be biting so hard it leaves any kind of lasting mark. If you can't control your bite force due to anger, definitely don't use this method. But FYI, many pediatricians recommend this.

skyeyez9 24

If you are referring to breastfeeding, time to stop and have him use a sippy cup. If he is also biting your hands, fingers, arm then you need to bite him back when he does it. He needs to know it hurts so he will quit thinking of it as a game. Or else it will progress to biting other people, kids in preschool and so on. Which will lead to more trouble with angry parents.

You should remain calm and gently tell him, "No biting." Screaming in pain is the way wrong approach. Since he thinks it's funny it is encouraging him to keep doing it and you're giving him the message that pain is funny.

He is a BABY. You do NOT discipline infants by inflicting pain upon them when they have no capacity to understand why their protector is the one hurting them. That's ******* sick. Do NOT bite back or hit an infant, that is ****** up, you crazy sons of bitches. That's abusive and I hope none of you worthless ******* twits procreate.

well personaly I feel people who dont belive in disciplining their children (11months old is a child) when the physicaly hurt someone do not procreate as these parent are the reason we have a generation of people with no respect for anyone!

kakakarotcake 17

I believe it's people like you who see a light hit on the rear to discipline a child as a form of abuse shouldn't be allowed to be parents because your kids will be brats

ashsaunde 13

Except the kid isn't an infant, he's almost a year old. Of course it would be ridiculous to punish an infant because all they are capable of doing is eating, sleeping, and pooping. But the kid in the FML is old enough to be taught the difference between right and wrong. You start with telling them biting is not okay and that it hurts people and if the behavior continues you bite back 'gently' while telling them it's not okay.Kids don't just figure out things, the parents have to teach them and your idea of never punishing them is the reason kids are brats. Babies are smarter than you think.

I hope *you* never procreate, #45, because your children will be worthless "entitled" brats who get away with everything and anything. If you don't teach children that doing bad things is wrong, then they will never learn. How do children learn? Well I learned not to touch a hot stove because I touched one and it hurt. You have to explain to children on their level why not to do things. If it hurts, they have to feel it and know "ok, so I bite and it hurts, because I felt someone bite...and it hurt I won't hurt them." We're not saying beat the child senseless, #45, we're just saying help the child understand *WHY* it's wrong to do. I had a cousin who was a biter. She once bit me on the face, and I was only a year older than she...even had a mark left from it. Then one day, I bit her back hard. She never did it again. Children *do* learn when they fully understand what their actions do to others. "For every action, there is an equal, yet opposite reaction" - Newton's laws of motion.

11 months old is a baby you dimwit. 12 months + a toddler. A four year old is considered a child. Grow a brain.

kate3101 15

Physical punishment is not the only form of discipline. I have 3 children varying in ages from adult to 8 years old. They didn't get physically punished as babies and yet they still manage to be respectful, decent people.