What the hell is this workplace?

By Anonymous - 04/05/2022 22:00

Today, it’s been so long since I got laid, I decided to rub one out in the office bathroom. I did it twice (morning/afternoon), and both times, there were two different guys clearly doing the same thing. The downstairs office bathroom is apparently a pit of desperation. FML
I agree, your life sucks 388
You deserved it 1 388

Same thing different taste

Top comments

As you're doing on company time, and therefore getting paid, does this make you all sex workers?

Maybe you ought to start a Fight Club so you can beat each other instead of off.


Maybe you ought to start a Fight Club so you can beat each other instead of off.

As you're doing on company time, and therefore getting paid, does this make you all sex workers?

kitten79TX 5

At work? Gross. Do that shit at home.

Grumpy Jack 26

Start making a cumtest : who's gunna be the first to cum ? the biggest cum ? or the sn'eye'per ? HEADSHOT !