By Anonymous - 01/01/2014 05:38 - United States - Albany

Today, my 11 month-old son started viciously biting whatever part of my anatomy he can sink his teeth into. He thinks it is hysterical to latch on while I scream helplessly in pain for him to let go. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 751
You deserved it 6 435

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Spanking is discipline. I was spanked when I was little and I love and respect my parents. It's to help them learn right from wrong not hurt them


martin8337 35

Bite the little bugger, that'll learn him.

The only way to break a child from biting is to bite them back. I had with both my girls and nephew.

I had a cousin like that. unfortunately he bit my nose once. *ShiversRunningDownMySpine*

Narcisse_fml 25

A lot of people may disagree with me, but bite him back. Do it hard enough for him to feel pain. I had a niece who was a biter and my sister complained about it. She bit me once. ONCE! *she was a bit older, though.

kakakarotcake 17

a majority of people agree with you a actually

Narcisse_fml 25

Yeah, I read some of the comments after I posted it. I'm surprised by the number of people who also suggested she bite him back.

get your nipples to start tasting like onions

ilytyvm 25

I find it insanely annoying that I posted almost the exact same FML yesterday but with more detail and mine didn't make it on the site. -.-

I'd bite back. Worked with ALL of my cousins and me. Plain and simple.