By Anonymous - 01/01/2014 05:38 - United States - Albany

Today, my 11 month-old son started viciously biting whatever part of my anatomy he can sink his teeth into. He thinks it is hysterical to latch on while I scream helplessly in pain for him to let go. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 751
You deserved it 6 435

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Spanking is discipline. I was spanked when I was little and I love and respect my parents. It's to help them learn right from wrong not hurt them


sailorarctic 22

time to start biting back OP. the first time you do it and they see how much it hurts they stop. or, you can go the old fashioned route and backhand him like my grandma did me. either disciplinary action works but dont let him get away with it.

@ #131 You are a child psychologist? Really.... If you want people to believe that maybe you should start by not writing like someone who is still in high-school. But, with that being said, rather than me ramble on I have a few pointed questions for you that you can answer very directly as you are, in fact, a child psychologist. #1.) How does a cup falling to the ground teach a child about gravity and what bearing does it have on anything in relation to learning the negative implications of biting? #2.) Breastfeeding has been proven beneficial until children are over two years of age.... why are you deviating from a proven and acceptable practice because the child is biting? #3.) "Redirecting with a toy". I think I saw this technique on the Dog Whisperer... I guess it worked for him... is that where you received your doctorate? #4.) When did negative reinforcement for a negative action become a bad thing? I will close with the following.... I would never harm nor hurt any living thing in my life. I will discipline my child in the manner that will best encourage their emotional growth... and this does include negative reinforcement.

You could do what my mom did with my older brother he bit her and we have video footage of it on the leg when he was two and she slapped him across the face he never bit anyone again

put hot sauce on your finger, next time he bites you, stick you finger in his mouth from the side. worth a try.

merryhappy1887 20

Bite back. That's what my mom did and we sure never bit again! You don't have to leave marks just enough to make sure he knows how it feels.

Bite him back. Doesn't have to be hard for him to get the point that it hurts