By mikey51 - 10/03/2012 01:56 - Australia

Today, I was taking a dump, when my dad shouted for me to go wash the dishes. Fed up with his constant shit, I told him to bite me. He took this as an invitation to wedge the bathroom door shut for nearly two hours, despite all my pleas and apologies. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 629
You deserved it 41 566

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kut17 11

If I talked to my parents like that, I would consider getting locked in a bathroom as getting off easy.

singerlove 14

Because the dishes are SO hard to do...


You basically implied that you talk back to your parents. The fact that they wouldn't care about the way you speak to them just strengthens my theory.

Consider yourself a lucky guy. If I said that to my Dad, instead of wedging the door shut, he'd probably just bust through it and smack me right off the toilet... But my Dad also turned green when he was angry.

ilovenotyou 0

You should start respecting your parents..

No? Then you probably just have a mom & dad who aren't all that interested in being REAL parents as much as letting you have your way so they don't have to deal with you whining by properly teaching you responsibility & accountability. Sooooo sad. :(....

he should have picked up a couple really dirty plates, busted through the door, and dropped them on OP's lap

I personally believe that respect goes both ways when it comes to elders. But still... he was asking you to do the DISHES. That is practically the simplest thing you could be asked to do. Don't act so immature about it. If you respect him, he will respect you.

Lucky you. If I said that to my mom, there is no way I would still be alive to post a FML about it.. Quit talking back and just do as you're told. Makes life a lot easier.

Those of us who actually respect our parents usually do as we're told....24 seems like a spoiled little 13yr old who has everything done for her & OP sounds like they were just being an ass-hat & posted an fml for undeserved sympathy. Btw, you're right in what you said, not sure who the tools are that would give you a thumbs down...I gave you a thumbs up! :)

Hahaha wow I think your house during thanksgiving dinner would be fun (no joke)!

Ins0mau 20

I think his house during thanksgiving dinner would just be a normal day as he's from Australia. And we don't do thanksgiving.

How dare he tell you to do chores in His house! The nerve! YDI...