By mikey51 - 10/03/2012 01:56 - Australia

Today, I was taking a dump, when my dad shouted for me to go wash the dishes. Fed up with his constant shit, I told him to bite me. He took this as an invitation to wedge the bathroom door shut for nearly two hours, despite all my pleas and apologies. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 629
You deserved it 41 566

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kut17 11

If I talked to my parents like that, I would consider getting locked in a bathroom as getting off easy.

singerlove 14

Because the dishes are SO hard to do...


cheezebuiscut 0

Dude, You deserved that if I talked to my parents like that they'd probably make me EAT the dishes then lock me in the bathroom It wouldn't be to hard to have stfu & just do them now would it? Why can't kids be more grateful now days? If he was abusive then sure I'd understand.

You sound like a spoiled brat. Washing the dishes, really?

Um kids these days. He's your parent. He's allowed to tell you to do the dishes without you sniping at him for daring. Think you got off lightly.

This is why you take a laptop or phone to the toilet with you....

Never screw around with dads we know best haha we don't take sh*t from teens haha

bungholemcgee 11

you live under his roof, you live under his rules

danimal_crackerz 26

Discipline. Maybe next time you won't do that next time. If I said that to my parents I would consider that as getting off easy

Astrobomb 21

wow. good for you, disrespectful little brat