By mikey51 - 10/03/2012 01:56 - Australia

Today, I was taking a dump, when my dad shouted for me to go wash the dishes. Fed up with his constant shit, I told him to bite me. He took this as an invitation to wedge the bathroom door shut for nearly two hours, despite all my pleas and apologies. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 629
You deserved it 41 566

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kut17 11

If I talked to my parents like that, I would consider getting locked in a bathroom as getting off easy.

singerlove 14

Because the dishes are SO hard to do...


Yea my mom wouldve whacked me in the head for talking back like that. Next time jus say you're sittin on th can

this is what happens when u try to "punish" your parents, you look like an proud idiot

structuredchaoz 4

Classic example of how lazy and needy kids are getting these days. Even more so in a time where parents work extra hard to keep afloat. YDI.

fylx100 19

Maybe he was fed up with your constant shit

cajekraze 7

Stupid F-ing kids these days. He should charge you rent

HELLO was there a window if so there your way out :) and do the same to him when hes in there

In Australia we don't ever say bite me, and we call the bathroom the toilet. So, I think it's safe that this is fake.

If this has been modded then it's proof that a large portion of fmls are fabricated.