By mikey51 - 10/03/2012 01:56 - Australia

Today, I was taking a dump, when my dad shouted for me to go wash the dishes. Fed up with his constant shit, I told him to bite me. He took this as an invitation to wedge the bathroom door shut for nearly two hours, despite all my pleas and apologies. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 629
You deserved it 41 566

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kut17 11

If I talked to my parents like that, I would consider getting locked in a bathroom as getting off easy.

singerlove 14

Because the dishes are SO hard to do...


boycrazy30007 12

Do the damn dishes u lazy PoS

Consider your self lucky, he could have posted a video on YouTube of it.

xxxviii 5

Get ur ass out of his house, support urself and this wont happen.... But you will still have to wash dishes like any other normal person..... Its a bitch isn't it?... lol

zebralover23 14

You deserved it, lol. My dad would do the same.

hateevryone 14

you kinda deserved it for telling him "bite me". But he didn't have to do that though.

coldsteel106 2

You're lucky that's all he did. If you were my kid a thorough ass whooping would have followed that comment. Show some respect!

atomicbaboon 0

i think that counts as a timeout

princess151617 4

That's when you use those two hours to take a shower or bath and have some alone time, :) lol

Let me guess, his "shit" also involves him feeding, clothing and providing a roof over your head too? Grow up. You owe it to him.