By mikey51 - 10/03/2012 01:56 - Australia

Today, I was taking a dump, when my dad shouted for me to go wash the dishes. Fed up with his constant shit, I told him to bite me. He took this as an invitation to wedge the bathroom door shut for nearly two hours, despite all my pleas and apologies. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 629
You deserved it 41 566

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kut17 11

If I talked to my parents like that, I would consider getting locked in a bathroom as getting off easy.

singerlove 14

Because the dishes are SO hard to do...


chels1994 11

Don't disrespect your parents and that wont happen. Doesn't kill you to help around the house, even if it is rather often

He's just making sure you've had enough of your own shit.

skinny_treats 6

ewww, Dutch oven timed 10 lol

He's your father. Have some respect or you'll get 8 .45 caliber rounds through your computer. Not literally...unless your dad does stuff like that

Respect is clearly not valued among the modern youth. Reminds me of that Texan dad who shot up his daughter's laptop. I feel he was justified in doing that just to prove a point, that people like you need to shut the hell up and gain some respect for the people who raised you.

I am just utterly ashamed that my generation feels so ridiculously self entitled, and is so disrespectful. They just take, take, take, and feel like they have no obligation to do any work for all of the things that are handed to them. I shudder to think what my son's generation will be like. It makes me sick. YDI

I'm not old enough to think about kids yet but I too, am ashamed of this generation, for people being very disrespectful even kids younger than me, it gets me angry. Kids swearing gets me angry to as to what their parents are teaching them it just gets to me. -_-

bowser_rawr16 13

If I ever said "bite me" to my parents, my ass would have been beaten. Kids get away with so much nowadays it's unbelievable