Oldest trick in the book

By Anonymous - 22/12/2022 15:00

Today, I have to admit I sometimes snoop in my daughter's room, but she must have realised this because she has started laying booby traps for me. I'm currently in the ER getting fishing hooks removed from my hand after she taped them to a mousetrap and left the mousetrap inside her desk drawer. I deserve it but, FML
I agree, your life sucks 250
You deserved it 2 204

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Okay, real talk for a second. Do you WANT her to run from you and never speak to you again the second she is financially independent or what? Do you honestly think that constant invasions of her privacy are supposed to help her become a functioning adult or is that just the justification you tell yourself so you can sleep at night? Explain your train of thought to me, here. Because from my perspective the only thing you’re accomplishing is making absolutely sure that she will never trust you to respect her boundaries ever again.

haha, YDI. Have some respect, or you don't deserve to have any kids.


Okay, real talk for a second. Do you WANT her to run from you and never speak to you again the second she is financially independent or what? Do you honestly think that constant invasions of her privacy are supposed to help her become a functioning adult or is that just the justification you tell yourself so you can sleep at night? Explain your train of thought to me, here. Because from my perspective the only thing you’re accomplishing is making absolutely sure that she will never trust you to respect her boundaries ever again.

AND teaching her that it's ok for people who say they love you to invade privacy and cross boundaries. This is how women become programmed to tolerate abusive partners.

haha, YDI. Have some respect, or you don't deserve to have any kids.

Marcella1016 31

Ok guys I get it - it’s ****** up snooping on your kid. But HOLY SHIT! FISHHOOKS attached to MOUSETRAPS?! OP is in the ER. Sounds like there will at the very least scarring, and worst case muscle or tendon issues. OP’s hand may be ****** up forever. OP is an asshole for snooping on his/her daughter - that is ****** up - but the daughter went WAY too far. Sorry, OP - you’re a privacy-invading, untrustworthy snoop, but NO - you do not deserve THAT. Put that kid in therapy.

tiptoppc 19

Screw the mom. This is shitty parenting. Daughter was being innovative and at their age, not usually able to think in advance at the damage the hooks will do. They just understand they want to catch them in the act in an obvious way. The MOTHER needs therapy if this is how she raises kids. This “parenting” ***** kids up and leaves lasting damage. I had parents that pulled this shit, and have trust issues for that reason (and why I’m estranged from my family). Nothing can justify the snooping by parent. Want answers? TALK to the damn kids. Don’t employ childish tactics like spying on them. Show your kid some effin respect that they can be trusted to think on their own. OP totally deserves this!

Important missing context is how old is the daughter? If 10, then mom has every right to "snoop" and check up on her, and the booby traps are insanely worrisome. If 20, then not so much, but that makes daughter an adult psycho for laying maiming booby traps. Somebody needs to intervene here.

A parent has not every right to snoop on his/her child, even when (s)he is 10! Raise them well and respect them.

Have you seen those ads where Cecily Strong is sitting on giant letters spelling Verizon? I would like to get the same letters in Y, D and I and sit on them in front of your house. That's how big a YDI this is!!!

Tricky situation! There is an appropriate balance between reasonable concern and supervision for younger children and privacy. As children grow up into adults that balance point moves more toward respect for privacy…. Mouse traps I can understand - Adding fish hooks seems over the top… Dad, you get your best shot at teaching values and judgment when children are young. As they transition into adulthood you have to be a bit more hands off unless they ask for advice. You want your adult children to be able to handle life on their own and that means they have to make their own decisions and live with the consequences… How would, or did, you feel about your parents snooping on you? Do you think your daughter likes it any more than you did or would have?… I suggest that if Daughter is teenage or older making sure she has access to contraceptives. That will ultimately help both of you. And for everyone’s sake don’t be a “snoop” just out of curiosity - That’s not mentally healthy!

Your daughter sounds like she’s bucking for a set design role in the next Home Alone remake. Which I hope is better than the ones since Home Alone 2.

ODBeefalo 10

I learned to hide things and lie pretty well because of this sort of parenting. me and my brothers questioned about small things, and the promise of no issues if we were honest (that was a lie every time, btw)... It leads to more creative hiding spots and better lies. when they started with punishing all of us until someone confessed to doing whatever they had done, I just took the blame as the oldest. but even now, I know I go from 0-100 when questioned about anything, don't like people in my personal space (apartment, room, etc), and know lying is the best way to avoid annoyances. He'll I even tell my nieces and nephew I'm not a roll model because I know this isn't how people should be... but you and parents like you create people who don't trust, who lie almost on impulse, and generally avoid any authority, including their parents. maybe wait to be given a reason to turn your house into a prison?