By confusedcatlover - 06/04/2013 11:42 - United Kingdom - London

Today, I walked in on my husband eating cat food out of the cat bowl dressed in a cat costume. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 263
You deserved it 6 220

Same thing different taste


itsthatguyagain 5

What I read was way worse than what it said...

Looking forward to the tongue bath! :P

I just hope he did not buy spiked condoms.. Ya know, taking it all out

Looks like you aren't the only confused cat lover!

Is he a closet furry? Well you now have a new pet.

murphdirt 5

cant wait to see tis on jeremy kyle cause thats were its heading :-P

Grauncho 27

Take your laser pointer and makes him chase the little red dot out of your front door. Then lock it.