By Wow - 01/08/2015 19:06 - United States - Sanford

Today, I walked outside to see my dog killing my cat. My spouse tried to cheer me up - "Hey, at least we don't have to buy cat food anymore!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 923
You deserved it 3 330

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hahatofunny 20

Your dog decided there was room for only one pet in this family

Poor kittycat. FYL for having to see that but I kind of want to say YDI as well. Not that you deserve to have your cat killed, but I'm sure there were signs of hostility between your pets before that happened. Should've acted on that. If the dog did that out of the blue without those signs, that's pretty concerning.


cat4651 15

If your pets (clearly) don't get along, why would you let them be alone outside together? YDI for careless pet ownership.

I don't see why this is getting downvoted. The owner should be responsible for their pets.

IAmzephyr 22

because it makes a lot of assumptions. pets can still be unpredictable even if they previously get along.

Or maybe since she has a spouse, they were supposed to be keeping an eye on them. We don't know the situation.

My guinea pigs and my cats don't get along, but they don't bother eachother constantly either. I mean no one can keep their eyes on their pets 24/7. My cats are unpredictable, and so are my guinea pigs. therefore it's not a YDI, it's an FML because they probably didn't know they were having issues.

@#25 They may be unpredictable, but usually not to such a deadly extent

hahatofunny 20

Your dog decided there was room for only one pet in this family

MasterTron 24

Welcome to the Thunderdome! Where two pets enter one pet leaves

I suppose that's one way of looking at things.

jezka374 15

Poor kitty. The next time you get a cat, keep it indoors so that doesn't happen again. Dogs instinctively hate cats, though not all do, but it's still a sense they have...

Its not that they specifically hate cats. Dogs and cats are decendents of great hunters and they both have the hunting instincts. So if the dog is big enough the cat becomes prey. It takes lots of time and conditioning to get the dog to ignore its instincts and be docile around cats.

my dog hates other dogs and people, but absolutely loves cats. she and my cat are bonded. they sleep next to each other, lick each other, play together. he follows her everywhere outside. when another dog attacked my cat, she attacked that dog. they're inseparable. so no. dogs don't instinctively hate cats.

My dogs are actually just curious about cats, they're 10 years old and only recently have seen a cat up close before.. That cat attacked my dogs and now they're terrified of cats..

When we got our cat my dog treated the cat like he was her baby. In fact all my dogs get along better with cats than other dogs.

No, dogs don't instinctively hate cats, and no, the bigger they are they don't just assume smaller cats are prey. I had a 150 pound great dane who adored two 8 pound cats we had. He'd even let them eat out of his food dish while he waited somewhat impatiently. He was the most gentle dog I had ever seen. Thing is, it's how they're raised. This dog was raised around cats and therefore he knew what to expect from them.

countryb_cth 38

@10 That's not true at all. My dog is a medium sized dog and she loves our new kitten. They get along great and love to play. Just because the dog is bigger doesn't mean it sees the cat as prey.

I don't know if I would call it instinct or not. My childhood pet, a pit, actively hated cats and we barely got him to accept the one we had. We never managed to break him of trying to kill stray cats, though we could call him off. He was never that way about any other creature. By contrast, the two-year-old pit I have now is a total cat lover. He required absolutely no conditioning and after being introduced, has been a total sweetheart towards my cat. I have no idea what the difference is. Both are/were male pit bulls of similar temperaments.

Dogs hate cats - they just don't hate cats.

I would beat the sheet out of my dog if he did that.

Poor kittycat. FYL for having to see that but I kind of want to say YDI as well. Not that you deserve to have your cat killed, but I'm sure there were signs of hostility between your pets before that happened. Should've acted on that. If the dog did that out of the blue without those signs, that's pretty concerning.

leogachi 15

@6 You can't be sure about that. My dog killed our cat because she thought she was protecting our family from it. There were zero signs of hostility before that.

My dog gets along with our cats just fine if they don't bug her. She's 15 and gets crabby sometimes if our one cat gets too clingy, but even then she only barks at her to make her leave her alone. My cats are barn cats and the dog is an outside dog, they are always together. We have 5 stray cats, and four tame ones(3 of which are pregnant) and we used to have 3 dogs.

you are able to select both. i do it all the time

It's a ******* dog. Stop pushing human characteristics onto it.

You should've replied, "I'm getting another one."

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