By confusedcatlover - 06/04/2013 11:42 - United Kingdom - London

Today, I walked in on my husband eating cat food out of the cat bowl dressed in a cat costume. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 263
You deserved it 6 220

Same thing different taste


"I want chicken, I want liver meow mix meow mix please deliver"

Meow meow, not everybody's purrfect. Pussibly he was just feline catpricious.

Hurbel684 10

As long as he doesn't cough up hairballs it shouldn't be too bad.

haionedurection 7

That's funny and disturbing all at the same time. Look at the bright side there is something new to learn about him.

Purrrrrrfect :) Hey OP, it could always be worse. Imagine he'd be drunk every single night beating you up. Eating cat food in a kitty costume suddenly doesn't seem so bad, right? As long as he doesn't kiss you right after his snack it can be a nice adding to your family life. cat food Is a lot cheaper than steak ;)