By confusedcatlover - 06/04/2013 11:42 - United Kingdom - London

Today, I walked in on my husband eating cat food out of the cat bowl dressed in a cat costume. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 263
You deserved it 6 220

Same thing different taste


Make sure 'kitty' brushes his teeth before you go near him.

crazytwinsmom 25

..."surprise?" Although, it would be muffled with cat food. "Suphrize?"

You may have a secret furry on your hands! Good for you!!!

xzanex 22

I guess someone is really into pussy...

scott82 5

Finish the story, you went upstairs put your cat suit on and humped him with your strap on !!! Take your show to Asia . Make some cash

You sure you weren't dreaming or is your cooking just that bad?

Sounds like he needs to stop being such a pussy an man up!