By idk - 04/09/2015 14:15 - United Arab Emirates - Dubai

Today, I was getting ready to go out with my family. As I was putting my phone in my purse, my father told me I wouldn't need it because we were going to spend 'quality time' together. The entire time I was there, everyone was staring at their phone. I was the only one without one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 998
You deserved it 2 798

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Should have had them put their phones on the middle of the table first one or touch their phone pays the bill.

tantanpanda 26

In this day and age, you probably won't find anyone without a smart phone. You should have brought it in secret, but still, FYL.


Your dad has a skewed sense of quality time, then.

Perhaps you where being punished for doing something wrong earlier?

No, just the dad being parent-y and not following through.

Appears no one understands sarcasm on the Internet.

Well for one theres no tone of voice on the internet, and what you said really doesnt sound sarcastic

tantanpanda 26

In this day and age, you probably won't find anyone without a smart phone. You should have brought it in secret, but still, FYL.

I don't have one. And for precisely this reason. When I go out, I want to see the world and people. Not a screen. :)

JustinJK 21

^I hate when people get judge and holier-than-thou about smartphones. I love that I can take such great photos on my phone, which is important because a lot of my close friends are moving. I also use it for school, internships, etc. I use it to schedule my entire life. I would be so disorganized without my phone. Just because you're content with not having a smart phone, doesn't mean that you're living a more fulfilling life.

NineeCat 32

The zombie apocalypse is alive and well.

You people don't seem to realize that 'zombie' is a relative term in this case. What she means is that we tend to act brain-dead when on our phones and all that jazz.

danceinconverse 25

I hate when people say this. We can definitely use our phones too much, but it's not the end of the world. Getting occasionally distracted by a screen doesn't mean it's the apocalypse.

KittyHawkMarch 29

People always do that nowadays. So sad.

Should have had them put their phones on the middle of the table first one or touch their phone pays the bill.

I've done that withe my friends so many times and the same friend keeps having to pay the bill every time haha

Good idea but depending on how old OP is, the parents are probably paying anyway lol

I've tried to do this with my friends. No one grabs their phone. We end up paying for our own every time.

ChaiseT 16

You should've said something at dinner to them? YDI

sarcasticjane 27

FYL because your family only played on their phones rather than family time. It is very sad that people cannot put away their technology long enough to spend time with those who will not be around forever. I wish the world would change, but I fear it will only get worse.....but I also want to point out that if the "FML" was that you had to leave your phone at home, oh well.

I actually didn't have my phone for 9 months one time and I finally realized how bad it is nowadays. When I went to hang out with friends it was like I wasn't there half the time because they were on their phones