By blondie - 24/03/2009 23:10 - Australia

Today, I was trying to convince my boyfriend that I am NOT a dumb blonde. After screaming at the top of my lungs, I tripped over a bin and hit my head on a wall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 033
You deserved it 88 061

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lol well if u weren't a dumb blond before...the impact of ur head to the wall might have changed that haha

Karma's a bitch. I'm sure he responded "...And you were saying?"


is screaming really the best way to prove that you aren't dumb? how about doing something smart? or at least something a little less stupid then tripping and hitting your head

I'm not a dumb blonde; I'm a chemistry major :)

... 1. Why does she deserve this? 2. Why do you guys keeps saying it's karma? Her yelling at him was completely deserved on his part. It sounds like he's been teasing her for a while about this, and she probably got fed up. 3. How does being clumsy translate to being dumb? 4. Blondes aren't dumb. 18, I like the way you think. By the way, I'm blonde. And I always laugh at blonde jokes.

Why does everyone who is defending the girl for defending her hair color get thumbed down? I agree with you 25.

Moco_hanz 0

at least ya blonds are fun =)

crazy_cat_lady 0

Oh my god, you like so totally showed him.

Yelling and screaming at the top of one's lungs are totally different. One makes you sound like a nutcase regardless of what you're saying. So, yeah, she wasn't getting her point across.

crazy_cat_lady 0

Oh my god, you so totally showed him!

no worries hun. remember that correlation is not causation, so you happening to trip and hit your head doesn't mean your dumb. hell i'm a fairly intelligent person, but i'm clumsy as shit.

Surely screaming will make him understand his mistake.

xx_hayleyy 0

blondes are hot, therefore people say stupid things out of pure jealousy :p