By blondie - 24/03/2009 23:10 - Australia

Today, I was trying to convince my boyfriend that I am NOT a dumb blonde. After screaming at the top of my lungs, I tripped over a bin and hit my head on a wall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 033
You deserved it 88 061

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lol well if u weren't a dumb blond before...the impact of ur head to the wall might have changed that haha

Karma's a bitch. I'm sure he responded "...And you were saying?"


badopie9er 0

That was so stupid that I cant believe it didn't start with "Hold my this!" You totally deserved that.

This has been a good lesson for us all...

Well...if you need to convince your BOYFRIEND that you are NOT a dumb blonde...then why are you guys dating each other anyway? A) Why would he date someone who's dumb? (unless you're really hot, but then he wouldn't even bother about you being dumb) B) Why would you date someone who thinks you're dumb?! Everyone has dumb moments every now and then, I have a lot of them...but none of my boyfriends ever literally called me dumb because of it...and if they did it was just in a joking manner...

TryToBeKind 0

YDI because you tried to stick it to him. Learn to back down. Seriously.

"lower your voice and strengthen your argument."

upsidedown03 0

dumb actions deserve dumb results !!!

"you're a dumb blone" "I AM NOT A DUMB BLONDE!" yeah, you seem to fit the bill.

sooo when a person trips that means they're retarded? somehow im not getting the connection of tripping and being stupid.

Screaming at the top of ones lungs is the most unatractive thing i can think of a girl doing... I'd prolly loose interest at once. I hate when girls scream, it's so annoying!

lizzylilo 0

You ARE a dumb blonde if you'll date someone who calls you that.