By blondie - 24/03/2009 23:10 - Australia

Today, I was trying to convince my boyfriend that I am NOT a dumb blonde. After screaming at the top of my lungs, I tripped over a bin and hit my head on a wall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 033
You deserved it 88 061

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lol well if u weren't a dumb blond before...the impact of ur head to the wall might have changed that haha

Karma's a bitch. I'm sure he responded "...And you were saying?"


pinkygirl_fml 0

my best friends a blonde, and shes top of our class

ahha, i agree with number 25. Plus, being stupid and klutzy are hardly the same. I got a 2230 on the SAT, and I fall over myself all the time. The fact that she fell on her face is sort of irrelevant.

baby_love 0

it's okay blondes r the best anyone :] everyone's just jealous

And by the way honey, if your boyfriend is repeatedly insulting your intelligence, either have a thorough conversation with him about respect or dump his sorry ass. R-e-s-p-e-c-t, girl.

birds_fml 7

Here's my advice. Dump him. If he doesn't respect you now, he never will. Trust me on this. Dump him and get a guy who respects you.

you shouldn't have to convince your BOYFRIEND that you're not a dumb blonde..

Well obviously you're a clumsy blonde, whether you're actually dumb or not remains unclear.

whatwhat 0

Don't worry, you're not a dumb blonde. Just a dumbass.