By Awkward - 14/04/2016 00:29 - United States - Albuquerque

Today, I was caller number nine on the radio, meaning I technically won the contest. I was too awkward, so they hung up on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 762
You deserved it 4 650

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Are they actually allowed to do that? I'm sorry that happened to you OP, maybe call back and try to talk to them? I'm not sure what the prize was or if it's even worth pursuing it but regardless that sucks for you. Best of luck!

Luxray24 13

I frel your pain....except instead of it dealing with the phone it is dealing with girls...


Luxray24 13

I frel your pain....except instead of it dealing with the phone it is dealing with girls...

Luxray24 13

don't you just hate it when you are the 9th person to call a girl but still get rejected :(

ScottyDavis 6

I guess people are down voting this because of the way you said it but I understand what you mean and I can relate haha

You could try calling back, they may still give you free tickets off the air. Especially if it's the same DJ.

CheekyRaccoon 27

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I can't believe I hung up on my win! CYKA BLYAT!!!

CheekyRaccoon 27

Before anyone comments on it, yes I misread the OP. Here have this cute bat ";-;" his name is apples.

I'm a bit depressed after reading this.

I'm a bit depressed after being born

There is a big difference between being "sad" and being "depressed" unless you suffer from depression and this story triggered a negative mood swing....

JohnTheDonJuan 11

Whoa there number 13... no need to go all clinical definition on us.

Are they actually allowed to do that? I'm sorry that happened to you OP, maybe call back and try to talk to them? I'm not sure what the prize was or if it's even worth pursuing it but regardless that sucks for you. Best of luck!

Dodge4x4Ram 46

Anxiety sucks OP, there are plenty of techniques you can use to learn to manage it - YouTube controlling anxiety or a similar phrase. Sorry to hear that you missed out!

Define "too awkward". Because if you mean you got so panicked that you froze up and didn't speak, it makes sense why they hung up

Nothing, they hung up. Captain obvious, AWWWWWWAYYYYYY

19 said "win," and I don't even see how captain obvious applies here