By HelpPlease - 11/02/2016 23:18 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I tried to break up with my boyfriend. Midway through the speech I'd prepared, I fainted and hit my head against a wall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 535
You deserved it 2 671

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thegreat579 7

*Gabriel Iglesias voice "DON'T DO IT"

since you already went halfway through, doesn't he know what you intented to do? PS: hope you didn't hurt yourself too bad, op!


thegreat579 7

*Gabriel Iglesias voice "DON'T DO IT"

CassandraThyme 14

Kevin Harts voice* "SHE WASN'T READYYYYYYYY"

*Jack Nicholson voice* YOU CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH

PePziNL 20

Guess you got yourself worked up about it a lot, and it got too much for you. I'm sorry OP.

since you already went halfway through, doesn't he know what you intented to do? PS: hope you didn't hurt yourself too bad, op!

You rolled a 1 on the break up dice. *Critical Fail* You dumped yourself instead.

Well atleast u got half of the speech done, just continue later

Sounds like emotional stress got the best of you, OP. Assuming another breakup attempt is underway; may I suggest having someone with you next time? To hold your hand maybe or just hold onto you, period.

That's ridiculous. If you need someone to hold your hand while you end a relationship that you chose to end then your probably shouldn't be dating.

SilverInGray 25

I don't understand this reasoning? It can be a really stressful situation, especially if the relationship was unhealthy or abusive. Some people don't deal with conflict well. At least she's trying.

Well you gotta break on your cranium... *BA DUM TSS*

I broke up with my boyfriend two weeks ago and I was sweating to death, I was so scared of what he would say but in the end he didn't even care and now I'm more happy then ever.