By blondie - 24/03/2009 23:10 - Australia

Today, I was trying to convince my boyfriend that I am NOT a dumb blonde. After screaming at the top of my lungs, I tripped over a bin and hit my head on a wall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 033
You deserved it 88 061

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lol well if u weren't a dumb blond before...the impact of ur head to the wall might have changed that haha

Karma's a bitch. I'm sure he responded "...And you were saying?"


I'm a blond, but I'm not dumb. And I'm DEFINITELY not as dumb as you. SMOOTH MOVE. But I won't say you deserve it. We all have are inner-dumbass. ;)

Everyone has some stupidity in them. Blondes are just insulted because people are jealous and immature. If a brunette calls you a dumb blonde just reply "At least I don't have a mustache."

did you yell at the bin too, since it tripped you?

lexi_lu 0

I hate the sound of girls screaming..especially for attention-it reminds me of those ANNOYING girls in High School who had to scream and yell really loud and jump up and down when they saw each other on friday night like they haven't seen each other in years,like didn't you just see them in school like,what? 4 hours ago??

if hes telling you your a dumb blonde then the only reason you are dumb is cuase your still dating him...

OperationNicole_fml 0

You should not have to prove to your boyfriend that you are not a dumb blonde. He should think highly of you to begin with, and doing something stupid should also not shatter the good image that he has of you. Maybe you need more convincing than he does if you think this warrants an FML, or maybe you just need a new boyfriend.

HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA awesome well done!!!! But really if you bf thinks your dumb why are you with him????

alex_vik 0

Your screaming convinced me you're a dumb blonde.

theoldGP 0

why are you with someone who puts you down? yeah thats dumb. and being clumsy isn't stupid... but what is stupid is yelling at him telling him that you are not dumb. that doesn't work. just rationally explain to him why you think you aren't stupid.