By 352 - 18/04/2012 20:18 - United States

Today, I somehow managed to hit my head on a first aid kit. I now have a cut on my forehead and my boyfriend just keeps laughing from the irony. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 328
You deserved it 4 181

Same thing different taste

Top comments

But the irony in your statement isn't, because it's ironic that you wrote a comment about irony saying that irony is always funny, yet the irony in your comment wasn't funny. How ironic.

I'm sorry OP, that's ******* hilarious. If it were my husband in that situation, I'd be laughing my ass off too.


Smart boyfriend. Irony is always funny :P

No. It's not. Irony is dangerous and it should be taken very seriously.

But the irony in your statement isn't, because it's ironic that you wrote a comment about irony saying that irony is always funny, yet the irony in your comment wasn't funny. How ironic.

Oh the irony. I'm bored. Going to go watch **** now.

25 - You go do that. I'll read more FML stories.

Socializing is for people who have a life...

**** life, we live to read about other people messing up in this thing called "life" pshh.

I used to have a life, then it got ******. Oh well..

We do have lives, our lives are reading about other peoples lives getting ****** up. It's the height of social involvement

Slam the first aid box on your boyfriends head.

What kind of asshole would do that he laughs a legit reason so you try to knock him out?

siickman 7

Thats just absurd. There is a legit reason why he is laughing just tell him to let it out and then help you out... No need to go kill people for laughing at a minor accident. :o.

posie94 7

... So if we don't like what people say, we should wack them with things? Sounds mature...

...and remember kids, violence is ALWAYS the answer

That's like eating pills to stop food poisoning and you get even more food poisoning.

GoW_Chick 14

You can "eat" the chewable ones, though technically you're eating them anyways, because I mean you don't "drink" pills, but I think a better term to use is "ingested."

Nightwing98 22
RaquelW 7

22 - I do! Part of an imbalanced breakfast.

Yay first time I've seen the first 5 comments buried :).

I cut myself on a plaster wrapper once. Stupid paper cuts. :(

Airman1988 9

If you cut yourself on a plastic wrapper, it is not a paper cut.

Look Mauskau, this isn't about you. Although some of us may be sorry about your cut,(and maybe some people even wanna give you a hug) this isn't your moment to shine in the FML Hall of Fails.

Other countries occasionally call band-aids "plasters"..

What did 4 do wrong? Band-aids are often wrapped in paper, and there's nothing wrong with briefly recalling something that happened to you to sympathize with OP. Why is this site becoming full of jerks?

Michael_92 20

@66 you noticed that too? So so many new people are here now (not that i have been here long, since october?) but the whole attitude of the site has changed since then.

I agree, why was his comment buried? Hes innocent! Innocent I tell you!

Where in this comment does it say plastic wrapper? A plaster is what Americans call 'band-aids'. Oh, and they are wrapped in paper.

I'm a she, thank you very much :P I was sympathising with OP as she felt the irony from the first aid box and I got a papercut from opening the PAPER(hence papercut) wrapper to a plaster/band-aid to put onto a larger cut. :p I didn't do anything wrong you don't have to be rude to everyone online just because you can -.-

So I guess it is true that Americans don't understand irony. Hmm.

OP! Are you also allergic to your allergy medication? You seem to be an irony magnet.

siickman 7

16, i wish i could spit information out like a computer like you do.... I felt like i was reading out of a text

I'm sorry OP, that's ******* hilarious. If it were my husband in that situation, I'd be laughing my ass off too.

That's like using a band aid to heal a cut but somehow ur arm falling off, ok mayb a little exaggerated...

siickman 7

Its more like getting ran over by a paramedic truck...

Jewnut 0

did you use a bandaid from your first aid kit?

peanutfoo 19

No of course not. Why would OP do that?? That's crazy talk.

It is a very convenient object to hurt yourself with

Trisha_aus 15

Haha op! Hope the cut isn't so bad! If someone asks say you rescued your boyfriend from chimpanzees