By blondie - 24/03/2009 23:10 - Australia

Today, I was trying to convince my boyfriend that I am NOT a dumb blonde. After screaming at the top of my lungs, I tripped over a bin and hit my head on a wall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 033
You deserved it 88 061

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lol well if u weren't a dumb blond before...the impact of ur head to the wall might have changed that haha

Karma's a bitch. I'm sure he responded "...And you were saying?"


Haven't you ever heard the phrase correlation does not prove causation? You may be blonde and dumb but they don't necessarily cause each other.

you're not dumb. just reeeaallly clumsy.

Were you trying to convince HIM that you're not a dumb blond, or were you trying to convince yourself?

Seriously screaming gets you nowhere and it's annoying, calm down, think it through, and heck sometimes being blond helps, use it against him.

ccjero05 0

i hate when people make jokes like that, it's so obnoxious. don't date someone juvenile who says shit like that, he's a jerk.

clampy4x4 0

Just to let you know....screaming is a terrible way to try to convince someone.

hootersgirl09 0

Haha, girl I get that dumb blond shit all the time. I'm just like whatever, I let it go and let them think what they think. Besides, getting accepted into Stanford Law is just enough proof for me that I am not a dumb blonde. :]

please don't post anymore on this website.

ffffyourlife 0