Missed opportunities

By Anonymous - 13/07/2020 08:01

Today, I turned down a chance to go to a bar with a girl I like because I have an autoimmune disorder and don't want to get sick because of being irresponsible and obviously COVID 19. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 835
You deserved it 290

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ojoRojo 27

I feel like if you told her that, she’d understand

Couldn't you just invite her to come drink at your place?


Couldn't you just invite her to come drink at your place?

ojoRojo 27

I feel like if you told her that, she’d understand

bloopaloop 27

This is exactly Darwinism, or natural selection.

Did you explain you have an autoimmune disorder and therefore high risk?

bladeofdawn 4

I have a Primaryimmune I haven’t been out my house since the start of March

diraven 15

Tell her to bring back a beer for me

Nobody should be in a bar right now. It's not just **** your life. Its **** all of our lives. These are scary times.

coius 23

Oh god, I feel you. I got the worst case of Henoch Schonlein Purpura after bad walking pneumonia at 16. I’m 35 with messed up kidneys and have been on meds to suppress my immune system for the last 6 months. I’d at least attempt to contact the girl and explain. Not everyone in the world are uncaring. Either way, with as much news about what coronavirus has done, no one could be blamed for playing it safe. But how about suggesting to talk via skype, or how about setting up a group virtual date with her and friends with a theme on Zoom/Discord? It might make her more willing to join if others participate.

It may seem sucky, but safety first these days. I think you made the right decision.