By Dioxin01 - 15/09/2010 20:55 - Canada
Dioxin01 tells us more.
Hey everyone, This happened while I was driving in the United States. Also if I hadn't helped him, there would be no chance of him being alive today.
Top comments
Wow, whatta bastard. Tell him to go **** himself.
A few million?!
what an ungrateful bastard. shouldve just left him to die
id sue him fpr sueing u!!
Ok. What you do... get a top hat with a razored metal brim. Also, get a sword with a hilt filled with poison and proceed to make a "covering case" to make it look like a cane. find out where he lives and casually stroll by they're house with your dog (if you do not have a dog, steal one) wait for someone to come out.... I think you know the rest...
This is why you always let them die. If they were weak enough to get into that situation in the first place, they are dead weight to society and deserve it. You should've blown up his car with a fragmentation grenade and dry-humped whatever was left of his dead body.
just because people are "weak" as you call it, doesn't mean they deserve to die
Your in Canada...I know some laws are different in Quebec, but there is a right that protects you from situtations like this. You DID save his life...and I know that right can protect you from law suits. Good luck though, op.
I'm Linda, I'm 70 years old! Can you believe it?
you are in Canada, it has the good Samaritan law, the most you have to worry about is spending a couple days in court.
99 OMFG MAKE YOUR OWN ******* COMMENT, don't threadjack and reply to NUMBER ONE JUST TO GET CLOSER TO THE TOP DICK WTH BIH SOB YFD SMD SMH WTH WTH FTW LOL ... Comment not yet moderated.
I agree with #1. Oh, you should counter-sue him for unjustified suing. You saved his friggin' life and be sure to mention that in court. Btw, I'm Canadian too, but not from Quebec. I'm from Ontario. :) But a lot of French people I've met are jackasses, so this story doesn't surprise me. :P then again, there are assholes no matter where you are in the world.
Common law/Civil law student insight here: He won't win, since Quebec charters of right and freedom put you in a situation where you have "a duty to respond", which means he could have sued you for doing nothing when he was in danger. This obligations was created so people won't be afraid to be afraid if they didn't act. At worst, you will be stuck a few days in court.
Whoa, bit harsh there. = I agree that unless OP used no common sense and did something really stupid, he should NOT be sued. However, I do have compassion for the other guy too. Most people have no idea how much a back problem, and the chronic pain and loss of independence that often come with it, can dramatically change your life. Again, that is likely NOT the OP's fault or responsibility, but this guy is probably just channeling his anger and grief at OP because it's easier than dealing with the real cause. It's not right at all, and I hope the case gets thrown out. But I do understand why he might need a scapegoat, and NO ONE deserves to be crippled and miserable. :(
Shouldn't there be a law protecting people like you from getting sued? I thinking its the Good Samaritan Law. You can't get sued unless you saved him in such a way that caused him so much harm due to negligence or leaving him paralyzed due to your limited expertise in saving someone, which implies you should have waited for a uniformed professional to arrive and take charge.
Are not ate. Damn small keys and fat fingers.
fukin Ginger
Thats strange. My first comment did not come up but the one where I corrected my spelling did. Anyways I was saying how you will not loose a case like that. You did the right thing and at least in the US you cannot be sued for helping.
Whoa, bit harsh there. = I agree that unless OP used no common sense and did something really stupid, he should NOT be sued. However, I do have compassion for the other guy too. Most people have no idea how much a back problem, and the chronic pain and loss of independence that often come with it, can dramatically change your life. Again, that is likely NOT the OP's fault or responsibility, but this guy is probably just channeling his anger and grief at OP because it's easier than dealing with the real cause. It's not right at all, and I hope the case gets thrown out. But I do understand why he might need a scapegoat, and NO ONE deserves to be crippled and miserable. :(
Shit, 202 was a response to 134 waaay down there. I reposted because I didn't see that it had jumped up here.
you can counter sue because you are protected by the good samaritan act and the person suing the op should have know.
He deserve to die. That is all.
81 it's funny because it's true!! lol
wouldn't that just blow the situation out of proportion? |the kid|
there's a law called the good semariten (however you spell it) where I someone is injured while you are helping them they can't win any law suits
#270 Oh yeah? Say that to my face and not online and see what happens. Don't think I'm man enough to beat your little 12-year old ass? Check my profile.
Good Samaritan Law, he can't win. But sorry he's not grateful, the bastard.
You will win. It is called the good sumaritan laws. you can't be sued for rescuing someone from a situation in which they could be harmed, even if you accidentally cause more damage.
Actually, if the guy didn't need CPR and the car wasn't on fire, you really should have waited for medical professionals to remove him from the vehicle, for this reason. In this situation your priority should have been to just keep him calm. I was in a car wreck and an off duty EMT was the first person to the scene. He tried to convince me to stay still in the car, but I couldn't be convinced, so he gently helped me to the ground but then just made me lay still on the ground.
it's called the good Samaritan act. it means that since you had good intentions, aaand since you saved him, you probs won't get in trouble. I'm pretty sure it works like that.
ur annoying, you know that?
I dno the exact law in Canada, but I'd presume ud have a good Samaritan law. so long as u acted within reason, in an attempt to help, he has nothing to stand on. I kno in aus that laws never failed (I'm pretty sure).... lol
Unfortunately, people can also sue for broken/ cracked ribs when somebody saves their life with CPR, which, when done correctly, should often result in cracked ribs.
Im an EMT in ghetto of brooklyn, NY.....i know im doing CPR right when i hear bones break. None-the-less you should have a good Samaritan law to back you up. Not to mention, you saved his ass from eminent doom, you dont have a scope of practice like people in the medical field do. if you pull up and say "oh shit, this dude is dead unless i help him" you are in the if it was a situation non-life threatening in anyway shape or form.....your ******.
I thought that they banished the good Samaritan law?
Yup, I hope I never have to give CPR because they told me that would happen in my first aid class. If I don't hear ribs cracking, I will be afraid I'm not pushing hard enough. And believe me, I don't want to crack someones ribs... ::shudder::
Is it really being a good Samaritan if you countersue? Answer: No.
put him back into a burning car?
Who said it was burning?
18, if it wasn't burning, what was happening then? I assumed it was burning, too.
I too assumed it was burning. Maybe it was a car accident and the car flipped? That can be another possibility.
Tell him that he could even have much worse problems if he was dead. : People like him deserve to die in a car accident or whatever happened.
I need to do that. Thanks for the idea.
Kill him. Then there will be no more back problems.
you need to hire a lawyer in this case as being sued for few million dollars is a big deal. he's damn ungrateful!
Wow, whatta bastard. Tell him to go **** himself.
counter sue. Good Samaritan law.