By Anonymous - 06/08/2009 06:13 - Australia

Today, I had to call poison control because my idiot son swallowed a bunch of baking soda to "make a volcano in his tummy." FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 390
You deserved it 17 295

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DirtyDiana_fml 0

woah only 1 comment? but idiot is harsh.


That's really mean to call your son an idiot. Maybe you're the real idiot.

FeedtheBrood 0
lolatflyingducks 0

YDI for not watching your kid in the first place.

i know a lot of people are giving you bad comments cause you said your kid was an idiot but really a parent can love their kid and say something bad about them every once in a while obviously ,its normal whether its a family member or friend.and about the volcano thing hahahahaha thats cute ,but i hope your kids fine.

dickheadedbitch 0

your a bitch and how old is your son 3 or 4! i would kick your ass if you are a man

He is YOUR son. You should have taught him better.

Maybe if you wouldn't call your son and idiot.

Poge 0

Okay, first I'm doubting s/he walked up to her son and told him he was an idiot. She probably wrote it on the site instead of telling him that. Second, if the kid was old enough to know baking soda make volcanos, then he probably should have known better than to eat it. Next, the fact that he got to it. He probably opened the fridge and ate it; the parent could have been in the bathroom for all anyone knows. Even if they weren't at some point you have to trust your kid to be smart enough to get some thing out of the fridge by themself. My next point, when I was young, not only did I get spanked, but i got called an idiot a lot. Actually I had an issue with poisen control too, my dad called me an idiot several times in front of the doctor, I never ate anything I shouldn't again and I wasn't mad at my dad. I love him more than anything. My last point, even if the kid is five, I got called worce things in Kindergarden and I live in the middle of nowhere! Kids today need to suck it up, and parents need to stop pretending their kids never do anything stupid. Parents need to stop suger coating things! Her kid was an idiot and s/he needs to explain to him what he shouldn't eat.

Kids do idiotic things. It's the PARENT'S job to stop them from doing those idiotic things. ...Unless, of course, the parents are idiots who not only can't keep an eye on their kids but call their own kids idiots! But I do understand how frustrating children can be.... (I babysit triplets. Need I say more?) I hope your son is alright, and I hope you are more watchful in the future.

I'm 15 and I didn't know till I read this that it was bad to eat baking soda... : I mean, you bake stuff with it, right? So it must be edible. And I have often thought of making a volcano in my tummy lol, but I knew that wouldn't turn out so pleasantly, but POISON CONTROL? :O Why don't they teach us these things?! :( Now I feel really dumb.