By Anonymous - 06/08/2009 06:13 - Australia

Today, I had to call poison control because my idiot son swallowed a bunch of baking soda to "make a volcano in his tummy." FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 390
You deserved it 17 295

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DirtyDiana_fml 0

woah only 1 comment? but idiot is harsh.


I agree with virtually everyone else here. Your son is not an idiot. In fact, that's a really great idea. It could even work; your stomach produces HCl :D And baking soda ain't poisonous. Don't be obtuse.

How old is he? If he is calling his stomach a 'tummy', he must be a child, therfore making you a bitch for calling him an idiot.

its your fault because you should have been watching him and you shouldn't call him an idiot thats just mean

I laughed hard at you calling your son an idiot. I wish more parents would be more honest about their children like you.

nanoflacka 0

Maybe you should watch your kid closer you dumbass!!!!!

lol this is a good one. I personally think it would have been funnier if it said the following: "Today, I had to call poison control because my idiot son swallowed a bunch of baking soda to "make a volcano in his tummy." He's 28." FML

I don't think her calling the son an idiot was as much mean as it was a facepalm. If the mother didn't care about the child, she wouldn't have called poison control. I'm guessing they just said to drink a lot of water to keep his breathing from slowing down too much and monitor him, since it's not like the body can't neutralize it.

Did he at least explode like a volcano or is he alright now?

Fail_Pig 0

YDI for eating a sandwich for lunch.