By Anonymous - 23/12/2015 09:06 - United States - Pomona

Today, I was bitched out by my shrew of a mother for getting engaged, to a man. She's not homophobic, but rather pissed off because gay marriage is "trendy" and she wants me to be "above that nonsense". Hurray for love. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 951
You deserved it 3 734

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell her she should celebrate Easter now rather than Xmas because that's to trendy

Well, informing her that she's actually homophobic will certainly ruffle her feathers.


Well, informing her that she's actually homophobic will certainly ruffle her feathers.

I thought that. saying gay marriage is trendy and nonsense is definitely homophobic. I mean you would never say that about straight people getting married...

People are afraid of change, and OP's mom is a prime example. They are stubborn and refuse to accept things that are outside of their comfort zones. This isn't to say that *everything* should or will be accepted, but if two people that love each other consent to get married, it doesn't affect anyone else negatively.

I don't think you can accuse someone of such a thing without knowing anything about them at all. For all we know, OP's mom could be gay & genuinely concerned that her son is acting on a trend. It's probably not likely, but you can't just say someone is definitely homophobic, especially when her son says she isn't.

*you can't just definitively say someone is homophobic dang it

65, the evidence is pointing that way. Why would she single out gay marriage as a trend? Was straight marriage ever a trend? (Well, with some people, it is, but that's a story for another day.) Her son wants to marry just like any other couple that decides to jump the broom. If she's been telling her son she's not homophobic, then she's likely lying, or she has some sort of warped reasoning. Now when people want to marry their cattle, pets, or children, then you can rest assured that I will be unhappy.

It's trendy? Yet straight marriage is a lot more common (even with the change in gay marriage rights).

People are saying its trendy because its new. Since its been legalized some people are seeing it as an option they can explore, not because they are gay, even they might believe it. (This is just what I've understood from people who believe that it is trendy, I'm not a homophobe)

What a ****, get married anyways and don't invite her to the wedding

Tell her she should celebrate Easter now rather than Xmas because that's to trendy

congrats OP! sorry your mother is so rude! hope you have a beautiful trendy wedding!

Sorry to hear about your mom with all this OP. Congratulations to you and your fiancé! May the stars in heaven bless your love!

whatarethisss 23

Hopefully, she'll understand with time that your marriage is pure and not just a "trend."

It isn't pure because it's going against God! It's honestly like a big middle finger to his face.

dont listen to this idiot ⬆️ and congrats on getting engaged. hope youll be happy with your new husband

nonsensical 26

what is #20 doing on this site?

MikaykayUnicorn 36

Dear #20, you are a dumb sack of shit. If you believe two people shouldn't be allowed to get married because an old ass book says so, you are scum. Go **** yourself. Sincerely, every person on earth who possesses a brain.

Ashd09 30

#37, You're being just as bad as #20. People have their beliefs and that's fine but neither of you have to be a dick about the way you express those beliefs.

Congrats OP! Don't listen to her. That's absolute nonsense and pretty shallow at that. Don't let it get to you, your wedding will be great! :)

yea and straight marriage is alright because it's so uncommon. Pff, what an idiot