By Anonymous - 06/08/2009 06:13 - Australia

Today, I had to call poison control because my idiot son swallowed a bunch of baking soda to "make a volcano in his tummy." FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 390
You deserved it 17 295

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DirtyDiana_fml 0

woah only 1 comment? but idiot is harsh.


And you just called your son an idiot? What a nice mother.

wtf that's retarded. calling poison control i mean. my dad takes baking soda to neutralise stomach acid, it's not that bad, you shoulda just made him drink some vinegar.

i love how people say YDI b/c she calls her son, who is probably too young to use the internet and fml, an idiot like she actually said it to his face. retards. because im sure none of our parents ever were talking to their friends about us and called us idiots. right...

mojo4395 0

If your kid is young enough to "want to make a volcano in (his) tummy" you're the idiot for leaving the baking soda where he could get to it. Plus, you're obviously a crappy parent to use the phrase "my idiot son" for what is obviously a young kid. Please take some parenting classes.

I must advise you to keep potentially harmful things away from children, because yes, they are idiots. I would say you deserved it, but i really hate little kids because of how annoying they are. So I can't help but feel sorry for you having to have to go off to the hospital.

FYI, your the idiot. You should have brought him up better. And I´m assuming he´s not Autistic or mentally challenged due to the fact no parent would call them an idiot, or write about it on B!tch.

Kudos for acknowledging that your child is an idiot. You'll be at least somewhat prepared for all the other idiotic things that children do.

AnotherStranger2 0

Gah, at least he's okay. I hope? And thank you for not babying your child by calling him a little perfect angel. Kids are idiots at times, so are adults, we all are. It's not going to scar him for life just because he's been called an idiot. If anything, he won't have an ego the size of the titanic. He's a crafty little guy, though. A volcano in his stomach. Lol. Though deadly, it's a little cute. XD

kids do stupid shi.t he's not necessarily an idiot