By Anonymous - 06/08/2009 06:13 - Australia

Today, I had to call poison control because my idiot son swallowed a bunch of baking soda to "make a volcano in his tummy." FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 390
You deserved it 17 295

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DirtyDiana_fml 0

woah only 1 comment? but idiot is harsh.


cheerrunxc14 0

YDI for having kids. And to me it sounds like he is young? So really who's the idiot? Daddy or him?

jewelzgalore 0

"Idiot son." Ah, I sense the compassion. But seriously, lmao!

Ouch, maybe he's looking for attention.. or maybe to get away from you. Tummy is typically the word chosen by younger children, if that's the case, he's not a f*cking cat, he's your child. Take care of him, look after him, or else what do you expect? Why's the baking soda even in reach? If it's not, how could he get it without somebody noticing? Take some responsibility.

theunwantedone 0

Y'know, you're a real bitch. If your son is young enough to swallow baking soda to make a volcano in his stomach, he's obviously rather young, and you call him an idiot? I know I shouldn't judge on an assumption, but seriously? That's just a horrible thing to say.

DON'T listen to "staceybby"!!!! vinigar will expand rappidly when mixed with vinigar. that will NOT be good. give him water. baking soda = not harmful by itself. water will dilute it, so not much will react with it. water = good. vinigar = BAD!

batman42091 0

wow... calling your little kid an idiot is pretty ****** up. what a bitch

**** you asshole dont you EVER call youre kid an idiot

your son just might be a reatard. double up on his life insurance. I'm just saying play it safe, get something on the back end for all the hell the moron is going to cause you.

this one made me laugh, not because of what actually happened, but because you refer to him as your "idiot son"

kleonard04 0

Why was his idiot mother not watching him?