By irwingiggles - 08/02/2015 10:26 - Netherlands

Today, I figured out how my birth control works. If you're on your period for four months straight you can't have sex, so you won't be pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 816
You deserved it 4 076

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think you should see your doctor, because that's not normal :o

Wizardo 33

You should really go to a specialist for this, it could be a serious problem down the line.


I take it you started depo. That really sucks. Only way for it to stop is to stop the shots and go on IUD or the pill or patch. Depo is horrible. Esp if you TTC later down the line.

Definitely the Depo shot. I had my period for two months straight, then it stopped for a few months, then I started to spot off and on for a little bit, but after a year of it I stopped completely. Maybe that'll happen with you, but I would advise to see a physician for it. Oh, and you'll also cramp between periods or not even having your period at all. It really, really sucks but is great birth control.

duhdarling 11

That's not normal... You should of seen your doctor like 3 months ago..

The OP could be sensitive to hormone based contraceptives, especially if this isn't the first that has sent her period awry. I myself don't deal well with hormone based contraceptives and I tried them all. Pill, injection, implant and all sent me wacky. My advice would be to try something that doesn't rely on artificial oestrogen.

sgtc691 5

well depending on the type of birthcontrol thats actually normal

You have been on your period for four months? Not normal. You need to go to your doctor ASAP. the maximum a period should last should be 7 days. Hope everything turns out ok for you.

i_needa_username 17

That could be serious!!!! See a doctor; asap