By irwingiggles - 08/02/2015 10:26 - Netherlands

Today, I figured out how my birth control works. If you're on your period for four months straight you can't have sex, so you won't be pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 811
You deserved it 4 065

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think you should see your doctor, because that's not normal :o

Wizardo 33

You should really go to a specialist for this, it could be a serious problem down the line.


This literally just happened to me with my birth control! I ended up getting it taken out and it stopped immediately. I thought I was going to go crazy.

Sounds like Implanon birth control! FYL

that's nothing I'm more than willing to sail the red sea.

Periods are different for every girl, I have friends who get their period every 3 months, others every 3 weeks. But... You might wanna see a doctor OP, 4 months straight, might get you anemia, or worst. Take care please!

as someone who has gone through that I advice you go to your doctor asap. my problem was a hormonal imbalance and was controlled by birth control. It might be that your particular birth control is messing with your hormone levels. like everyone else said. it's not normal and it's hell to suffer through that. hope you get better.

I had the same problem with mine! I am now on 2 types to balance everything out! talk to your doctor!

Bleeding for four months straight can't be how the medicine works. I'd see a doctor immediately.

kaiabs 4

Whilst it's not normal it's also not abnormal depending on some types of pills. I was told by my go that I would either most probably have no period or constant period on the contraception she gave me