By irwingiggles - 08/02/2015 10:26 - Netherlands

Today, I figured out how my birth control works. If you're on your period for four months straight you can't have sex, so you won't be pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 816
You deserved it 4 076

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think you should see your doctor, because that's not normal :o

Wizardo 33

You should really go to a specialist for this, it could be a serious problem down the line.


ordinarygent 14

I think you should've known something was wrong after the first month of still being on your period.

1. Yes you can have sex while on your period. That's how your partner gets their "red wings". And why can't you just insert a cup??? (oh just to clarify, its made of rubber and covers your uterus, and its not a sippy cup or mcdonalds gallon cup0 2. If you bothered to read the documentation that came with your contraceptives, it would tell you to consult your GP if side effects continue on for any length of time. Online medical advice says to see your Dr if your bleeding goes for a month - if its an implant in your arm they advise to remove it. 3. Actually, just have sex anyway, I'm sure you can't get pregnant if you don't want to....

change the brand I was on one that had 50% chance of that side effect or 50% you won't have any period also 1/100 would get pregnant and it caused acne - I was prescribed it for getting rid of acne... amongst many awful, and common, side effects I can't remember the name of it unfortunately but look it up and see what's been said about your's

sheila6368 6

I told my doctor repeatedly when I bled for months on Depo Provera; however, he kept saying, "It will stop." I just never took another shot and ended up having my tubes tied, and, later, a hysterectomy. Don't assume she hasn't spoken to a doc. Also, some women bleed so much sex is impossible. Clots, etcetera, are NOT sexy!

dragoongirl90 34

If you haven't been to a doctor yet, ydi. If you have, fyl for having a worthless doctor.

This is no joke! I had my period for 56 days and almost died! See a doctor!!!

change birth control, I went through 12 different ones before I could one that worked. all the others I either bled 24/7 or I threw up 24/7

why couldn't you have sex? I bled for 3 months but still had sex

it happens all the time... doctors will just tell you that its normal with any type of BC , and I agree its a great way to keep from having babies by not being able to have sex at all

Not worth the cramping and cost. You should get this seen to!