By irwingiggles - 08/02/2015 10:26 - Netherlands

Today, I figured out how my birth control works. If you're on your period for four months straight you can't have sex, so you won't be pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 816
You deserved it 4 076

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think you should see your doctor, because that's not normal :o

Wizardo 33

You should really go to a specialist for this, it could be a serious problem down the line.


merryhappy1887 20

1 ) are you dumb? why would you not call your obgyn after the first 2 weeks? even a 2 week period is really long smh why wouldn't you ask to switch birth control? 2 ) who doesn't have sex just because you have your period?

Firstly, this doesn't make her "dumb". When I started taking the pill, I bled at least a little bit pretty much every day for about two months. I went to the doctors and there was nothing wrong with me, it was just my body getting used to the hormonal changes. Although I do agree that OP should get checked out, because 4 months is a long time and there's always a chance that it could be something serious. Secondly, even though there's nothing wrong with having sex on your period, not everyone is into it. Some people, myself included, are a bit put off by all the blood and stomach aches. I know that sex can apparently relieve those symptoms, but personally when I'm on my period sex is the last thing I feel like doing

Most doctors will ask you to bear with the side-effects for a couple months (unless you're having serious side effects) in order to give your body a chance to adjust to the hormone change. If you changed birth control every 2 weeks your body will be very confused and you'll probably feel far worse than if you just stuck with one! As for having sex on her period, whilst a lot of people have sex throughout the month, not everyone is comfortable with the idea and she should be able to decide for herself. No need to be harsh and call her dumb

The same thing happened to me. Go back to your obgyn or planned parenthood or whatever. And theyll fix it.

That is not how birth control works. You need to get to a doctor.

saltlife12 2

You must have the implant in your arm? Heard that's one of the side effects that could happen. Same thing happened to a friend of mine.

Sorry, OP. Sounds like you should see about switching to a different BC with less side effects.

Umm you should really go see a doctor, my friend had hers for a whole month and she had a problem with her ovaries (I know people are different but clearly there's something wrong)

That is very wrong. Why do women wait so long to go to their doctors about their periods...

Because a lot of the time it takes a while before our bodies adjust to change. A lot of doctors ask women to bear with the adjustment period for a few months before changing anyway, so unless it's extremely bad, it's often easier to just give it a chance to settle down before changing birth control again.

Sometimes it's just the birth control I've been on a light period for three months not I got my second shot they said it should go away or stop completely

thatnewgirl 16

there's something wrong with the dosage your taking consult a doctor to make sure that it's not messing with your hormones too much