By Anonymous - 13/12/2018 15:30

Today, I’m almost six weeks pregnant. From exactly ten seconds of penetration. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 392
You deserved it 1 388

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ten seconds on the lips a lifetime on the hips.

manb91uk 22

That's 6.5 seconds longer than my personal best - I'm impressed!


Ten seconds on the lips a lifetime on the hips.

Nine months on the hips. Oh, and it’s beyond the lips.

manb91uk 22

That's 6.5 seconds longer than my personal best - I'm impressed!

Itsbeenalong 5

"I told him sex with him wasn't good but he said I shouldn't rush to judgment after only 10 seconds."

His swimmers must be little Michael Phelpses!!!

Abortion is always an option, retro actively too

xxWTFxx1981 23

you should be in a condom commercial...

OP, are you saying it would be OK to be pregnant if the sex had lasted longer? You can get pregnant regardless of how pleasurable or not the sex was. Safe Sex - Use a condom or get on the pill.

That’s absolutely hilarious, similar thing happened to me

manb91uk 22

*inner voice* please be the father, please be the father...