By GT716 - 07/04/2009 12:50 - United States

Today, I was at work at a local hot dog chain. A child (about 10, who I've seen there before) came in to order food for his Dad. He orders very excitedly, and I told him he'd be a great worker here when he gets older. He said "oh no, my Dad says I'm too smart to work in a place like this." FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 025
You deserved it 13 937

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Trix_Disorder 20

LAWL. Love these fast-food ones. Someone's gotta work at 'em. I used to, to pay for college.

rushquickfast 0

Haha, that kid sure told YOU! Don't feel bad though, a job is a job. Too many people don't even have a job.


Trix_Disorder 20

LAWL. Love these fast-food ones. Someone's gotta work at 'em. I used to, to pay for college.

kids gotta hate'em gotta love'em. actually 90% hate.. little *****

I'm working at our local DQ to get through college, definitely know how that feels.

a_homeless_guy 0

man. if that isn't a swift kick to the balls i don't know what is

well he could have swiftly kicked him in the balls.

sexxystephy 0
rushquickfast 0

Haha, that kid sure told YOU! Don't feel bad though, a job is a job. Too many people don't even have a job.

DeimosFriday 0

It's Ok it not like your 30, are you ?

Yeah, definitely DON'T feel bad about working crappy jobs, because usually they're young kids trying to work through college, which is very smart (uhm, hello, little to no debt? That's definitely a winner in my book!) and I commend those who are. However, if you're working there full time (or even part time) and you're not going to school or have to plans to go... yeah, you should reconsider that.

not really that big of an FML. he didn't really straight up call you dumb or anything. not that big of an insult, really. I think it's great that his dad is encouraging him to be all that he can be. so many FMLs have been about this lately. there's nothing wrong with having a fast food job.