By irwingiggles - 08/02/2015 10:26 - Netherlands

Today, I figured out how my birth control works. If you're on your period for four months straight you can't have sex, so you won't be pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 816
You deserved it 4 076

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think you should see your doctor, because that's not normal :o

Wizardo 33

You should really go to a specialist for this, it could be a serious problem down the line.


You can get extremely anemic and die from that, period blood is the same as normal blood. I'd see a doctor immediately.

Actually, a regular period only contains usually a few tablespoons of blood. Depending on how heavy her period has been over the last 6 months, it's unlikely for her to be anemic over it. Especially considering how much blood the body makes in a day.

Yes, one can be anemic from period blood loss.

lesalmi 5

Must be the depo. I had the same problem, which is why I'm not on it.

Yeah, that definitely doesn't sound normal. Best to take everyone's advice and see your doctor. Hope everything is well though and it's nothing serious!

Ya, like has been said, see your Doctor. Jesus, that isn't normal!

CaliChris 9

Different birth controls work differently. If you're having a reaction to one type, ask your doctor to try a different type.

KariAnn7985 8

That sounds horrible! As long as the guy doesn't mind, you can still have sex while on your period. My husband and I do every month. Also, like just about everyone else has said, I'd make sure the doctor that prescribed your birth control knows what's going on.

She probably has the implant, this is one of the common side effects. You can still have sex on your period, you just gotta find a guy who doesn't care so much :)

Go see a doctor... One of my friends had her period for four months straight too, she was more pale then a vampire. It's not good for you.

rinnybell210 16

I feel you. My old birth control put me on my period for nine months.

msmedieval 11

That sounds serious OP, please get it checked out.

rabbi1010 29

all that theyre going to do is give you pill birth control. i had my period for 9 months straight and the doctor told me that its normal.